Everybody Is After Your Money!

It is so funny really that you just have to laugh probably, but not with joy.  It appears that companies and the like are out to make you spend.  Each day on my computer I am being told that everybody can see what I am doing, but if you have this and that you’ll be safe from prying eyes!  What is the point of having a company that looks after your computer from being scammed if the company says that is not enough and expects you to increase your subscription for this extra commodity they have thought of providing all of a sudden.  As a pensioner that is one realm I can not afford and shouldn’t this be included in their package deal at a minimal extra charge.  I am prepared to accept this, but when receiving a list of a further three extra elements at varying prices – it puts doubt in my mind and I am wondering whether the Company that I signed up with is really looking after my computer or whether they are looking after their pockets.

Especially at Christmas time, charities appear out of nowhere having lain in limbo most of the year.  I am not knocking Charities as they all need money for them to continue their charity work.  Sometimes it can get on your nerves when advertising on television when the same piece is being aired four or five times during a one hour programme.  It appears that advertisements seem to be longer than the drama or comedy show your are trying to watch and trying to keep the continuity of the story in your mind.

Advertising on television must be quite an expensive thing to do and yet these charities appear to have plenty of money to do that and some charities repeat their slot several times a day.   Where does the money come from?

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