FRUIT PIE! – A sort of love story at Christmas with a happy ending

Tomato decided to take one giant step over Simply Simon because he had to get away from the last story in a hurry.  He felt that he was in so much trouble with what happened to King Edward who was at this very moment in time looking for him to either punch him on the nose or take him to court. He couldn’t quite make up his mind what to do with Tomato, he could always squash him – yes that was a better idea and as the slogan goes ‘Squashed Tomatoes and Stew!’  First of all he had to find him.  He had heard rumours that he had absconded from the ‘Mixed Vegetables’ story, but nobody was willing to tell him where he had gone.  King Edward even had Lettuce all tied up and was grilling her for information, but to no avail, she didn’t even know he was missing. ‘Besides we didn’t hit it off – he turned out just not my cup of tea at all. He kissed me and said goodbye.’ whispered Lettuce. ‘You’ll have to excuse me, I do a lot of swimming and I have a slight chill and a bit of a sore throat and I can’t help you any more than that.  I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf and vet everybody before taking the plunge.’ King Edward went off in a huff.


Tomato felt wonderful, because although everybody thought he was a Vegetable, he was really a Fruit – he was thinking he could be a spy or a special agent sent to another story to infiltrate their ranks and find out things and return as a hero and even King Edward might Knight him for services rendered.  Tomato was dreaming this when along came Mister Apple; he was a dapper sort of chap, he looked crisp and spoke with a posh voice.  ‘Can I help you?’

Tomato replied, ‘I don’t think anybody can help me.’

‘Why not?’

‘I’m in a bit of a pickle or I might have been – it’s only my quick thinking that saved me from being mutilated or insulted, which ever is the worse for a Tomato.’

‘A Tomato eh – we could be related.  If it helps I could call you my distant Cousin, Tomato Love-Apple.  It means going around with a double barreled name but I’m sure you won’t mind.’

‘No.’ said Tomato –‘It makes me feel important.’

‘Don’t let it go to your head lad, after all you really are just a Tomato.’

Tomato sighed and thought it might have been better to face the music with King Edward’s giant boot raised above him, ready to crush him.  But no, on second thoughts – he was better off in this story.


Apple said ‘You must meet all my friends and here comes Miss Victoria Plum, isn’t she a beauty and what a figure, doesn’t it make you want to………?’ Tomato interrupted Apple’s spoken word because he wondered what was going to come pouring out of his mouth as she was easily in earshot.  Tomato introduced himself and if Tomato had a hat on his head, he would have taken it off as a mark of respect. ‘I am so pleased to meet you Victoria!’

‘You’re new here – I’ve never seen you before.’

‘I haven’t been here before – it’s all new to me.’

‘Where have you been hiding this one Apple?’

‘He’s my cousin Tomato Love-Apple!’

‘He sounds important with a name like that.’

‘No.  Not really,’ said Tomato.

Apple approved of Tomato’s reply by nodding his head but wasn’t counting on Victoria’s next question.

‘Perhaps,’ said Victoria, ’We could go out together tonight, I would like to go and see that old film that is showing at the Plaza, Greengage Summer? I missed it when it came round the first time and it would be fun if you came with me.’

Tomato said, ‘I’d love to – you don’t mind do you Uncle?’

Apple grunted and gave Tomato a spare key to his house.

*                          *                          *                          *                          *

Tomato did the decent thing and took Victoria home and was surprised when she kissed him goodnight and thanked him for taking her to the Cinema.  Tomato went redder with embarrassment and said, ‘It was a pleasure.’  They waved goodbye and Tomato danced all the way home.

He let himself in with the key his uncle had given him and tip-toed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and as he passed the lounge he heard snoring.  Apple had been reading the paper and had fallen asleep whilst doing so.  With a snort and a snuffle Apple woke up and looked at his watch. ‘What time do you call this?’

‘I took her home!’

‘I bet you didn’t waste any time in……’

‘Before you say it – she kissed and thanked me for taking her to the pictures and that’s all – we said our goodbyes and I’m sorry I’m late but the film didn’t end till 10:30 and walking her home took twenty minutes.’

Apple grunted, ‘I better show you to your room and tomorrow will you refrain from calling me uncle, it makes me feel older than I am.’

‘Okay Unc… Okay!’

*                          *                          *                          *                          *

After breakfast Apple and Tomato left the house and were walking very briskly towards the shops.

Apple said he had to attend a meeting at the Town Hall.

‘Oh!’  said Tomato, ‘That sounds familiar.’

‘Why do you say that.’

‘Well in my last story they had a Council Meeting and everything went Pear shaped’

‘Did someone call my name and what is wrong with my shape?’

Apple and Tomato had not realized that Miss Pear was walking closely behind them.

‘Ah!’ said Apple, ‘This is my cousin Tomato Love-Apple.’

‘Pleased to meet you I’m sure.’

‘Likewise!’ said Tomato.

‘Are you going to the Town Hall meeting?’ said Miss Pear to Apple.

‘Yes I am!’

‘See you there – I must dash. Got to do some shopping first before taking over the Secretary’s job – Miss Melon has broken her arm!’

Miss Pear disappeared quickly into the first shop along the main road.

Apple whispered to Tomato ‘That Miss Pear went to a Health Club and things never worked out properly. What are you going to do this morning?’

‘Could I sit up in the gallery and watch your meeting?’

‘Of course you can if you want to, it might be a bit boring for you!’

‘Oh!’ said Apple, ‘I suppose Victoria Plum is coming?’

‘She said she might.  What’s on the agenda? What are you discussing?’

‘There has been a spate of vandalism and in a small community like this, it has to be stamped out quickly and we are going to discuss ways and means of doing it without alarming those who live here.’

‘Who are on the committee?’

‘Well let me see now, there’s  Miss Lemon, Mrs Orange, Mister Tangerine, Miss Grapefruit, Misses Raspberry and Strawberry (Sisters) and Mister Damson. Oh yes not forgetting Miss Melon who has broken her arm and Miss Pear who’s taking the minutes this morning.’

‘Who do you think is doing all the vandalism?’

‘Well it’s not Banana the Burglar, everybody knows him, he’s a very slippery customer, he’s just a petty thief – been bent all his life. He’ll never change.

We are all in agreement that it is the Grape Gang!’

‘How do you know that for sure?

‘Well they seem to go round in a bunch and they seem to be inseparable in everything they do.’

‘I understand now that they need to be squashed out of existence and soon.’

‘They’ll only whine about that if we do, but then again action must be taken and of course some of the gang members know the committee very well and have already made threats against them.’

‘Best thing,’ said Tomato ‘Squeeze some committee members in making a decision and keep the others in reserve should you need them. Perhaps you should seek the advice of the Elder Berry, he should find a loophole, its worth a try!’

Tomato was thinking he would be better off if he went back to Mixed Vegetables, but without Victoria by his side, it was a no win situation.


Apple approached Elder Berry and the Elder revealed that the Grape Gang would not have been formed had it not been for the influences of the Ugli Fruit known as The Godfather.  Apparently he had been born in Jamaica and started on a life of crime, mainly smuggling and extortion.  He travelled to America then came to this town and started recruiting others who were downtrodden.  He went to an Orphanage where the Bunch of Grapes were living and they joined him.  The Godfather eventually passed away, but the Grape Gang carried on.  The Elder Berry suggested that to show the Grape Gang kindness would be the answer whereas before, wrath and clenched fists had been shown to the gang.  An emergency meeting was set up and the committee members decided to build a home for the Grapes to become part of the community.  The name for their house was called “The Vines.” It worked much to the surprise of everyone.

*                          *                          *                          *                          ^

It was on Christmas Eve and a special licence was granted for Tomato Love-Apple and his bride to be Victoria Plum to be married.

Apple was the Best Man and Mister Tangerine was asked to give the Bride away.


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