Reflections on our day

Our reflections on anything can lead to very mixed emotions, but how do we feel about thinking back on our day, or even days?

We should be philosophical and accept that we will all have good days and bad days, or even good or bad longer periods too. More importantly it is how we deal with these bad, frustrating or disagreeable days that will mark our life. I was brought up to count my blessings and be “thankful for small mercies” as my dear mum used to put it, and to this day still try to do that.

I have also got into a habit of looking back over the day to recognise how it went, allowing some small congratulations to myself for perceived “successes” or good bits, whilst recognising and trying to learn from less happy events. Perhaps you do this too?

Anyway as ever I will turn to my poems to describe what I’m saying and perhaps strike a chord with it as well! To that end I present the first poem in this article and from my 3rd book Reviews of Life in Verse, with the poem called “Daze End”.

Daze End

Sitting in my favourite chair

In my most comfortable way,

Looking back at hours passed

To reflect how went the day?

Well some go very well

And others not so good,

So in the scheme of life

That must be understood.

But more important than this

Is your dealing with it all,

Smiling with the good days

Should give no cause to fall.

But what about the bad times

That can also arrive too?

Can we get up if knocked down

May define both me and you?

So how well the day went is crucial

But our responses so much more,

For if you react to adversity

Your life will be more secure,

Than if you just roll over

Bleating about your lack of luck,

So if not standing your own ground

You may regret your lack of pluck!

Yes “reflecting” in my favourite chair, or sometimes in my bed, is often very interesting, and lasts much longer some times than others before I fall asleep, depending on the time or how tired I am. I do though, always find it rewarding, with on occasions a recall of some seemingly little event I had briefly forgotten, but was quite important to bring back to my mind.

Of course as I mentioned earlier I have always counted my blessings and never looked back with regrets and recriminations, as we can’t change times that have passed, only learn from them. Sadly it seems many do. I have tried to express this in my next poem called aptly “Days of Tears”.

Days of Tears

Days of tears will come for everyone

But for some will last much longer,

Depending on those choices made

Are you weaker, or lots stronger?

For we’re living today, decisions past

When maybe didn’t count to ten,

So whether we like it now or not

We must accept life as decided then.

Though possibly in previous times

Those options did seem right,

So now you must live with them

However hard they come to bite!

A wrong lover or chance declined

May seem sad in the here and now,

But reflecting back to decision time

You were so certain of your vow.

Perhaps to be childless did appeal

Rocking to your very own way,

But in days of flowing tears now

Accept your loneliness today.

For days of tears will always come

With regrets, and perhaps sorrow,

So best to count every blessing now

Or you may cry at each tomorrow.

Days of tears then, and I’m sure we have all had those, at least for a brief time if not for a longer. So maybe I guess people might also consider the wisdom of “reflecting” if it is too painful to look back, but obviously that is a matter of individual opinions and perhaps how comfortable people are within themselves. Oh dear we have started to sail into choppy waters, but I will say again that I see this as the province of poetry and certainly my style of writing down my observations of the world and our experiences in it!

So now we seem to have arrived at the personal choice of how we live and consider our lives or “Days” as Ray Davies and his band “The Kinks” sang about all those years ago! Once again then the thoughts, decisions and your covenant with life is up to you, so reflect and consider well.

Before closing this latest monthly offering I will share one of my personal behaviours and comforts to me, thus I present a poem called Darkness” and from my 2nd book “More Poetic Views of Life”.


Some people don’t like the dark

Others it just makes scared,

But there can be a comfort too

If all your soul you’ve bared.

Turning out the night time bulb

As if the power has all blown,

Can put you in a covering veil

Like in some protected zone.

Tired eyes will have their rest

And an aching body its ease,

So you can be lost in yourself

Where no one has the keys.

Many people cannot cope with this

It releases all their fears,

Some with recent broken hearts

Will collapse in flooding tears.

For any aching of the soul

Will damage the weak and brittle,

Leaving them knocked all about

Just as if they were a skittle.

But I can be at one with dark

So long as I have a beam,

To turn on if I feel the need

For I like my dark fed dream.

These take away the daytime trials

Which can leave us all aggrieved,

Thus slipping into my warm dark

My soul will feel relieved.

Darkness would appear to be a very apt ending of “days” then, and “reflecting” as the sun sets, so on that conclusion I wish you all the best of days and reflections upon them!

All four of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse &

Life Scene in Verse,

Will all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4. 99 each, with my 4th and bigger book (Life Scene in Verse) at £6.99 are all for sale on Amazon, or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and from very recently a website now:- please sign/join up for free

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