What is Your Intention?

Most of my life I was told what to do by my parents, then by my…

Who is the Source of Your Problems?

Is the source of problems and distress from other people? There is a misunderstanding in our…

The Enemy Within

Growing up I did not know I had choice in my life. This was not an…

Life Transforms Inside Out

My life required an appeal for love to manifest in my heart. Discovering that it is…

About My New Year’s Resolution

Do New Year Resolutions really work? When I was growing up, I never had the opportunity…


Mysticism is a path of action. Growing up, taking action for me was not part of…

The Missing Piece for The Law of Attraction is Finally Told

As I was driving down a main road towards the next town, I glimpsed the speed…

About the Golden Rule

My journey into accepting that I am a spiritual being having a human experience has slowly…