The Street Cat Bob Memorial

I nipped down to London recently, with a view to having a few animal-related encounters during…

Can exercise make cystitis worse?

Cystitis is painful and often the last thing you want to do when you have it…

Are you part of the flaky brow epidemic?

Do you find yourself scratching at your brows more often? Do you wake up with irritated…

A Mountain Named Gertrude

Enough time has elapsed since my beloved Bit the horse died (last January) that I won’t…

Making Things Happen: Why Doing Beats Just Thinking

Have you ever had a fantastic idea, dream, or goal buzzing around in your head, but…

Your Choices, Your Power

Life’s all about the choices we make, big and small, every single day.You know that saying,…

I’m Back!

Greetings, TSN readers! It’s been much too long since I wrote my column, and I’m glad…

The Power of Perspective: How to Extract Benefits from Difficult Situations

Life’s roller coaster sure throws some wild loops, doesn’t it?  But guess what? We can learn…