Benefits of being a blood donor

by Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy Sadly, the Covid crisis has had…

The Right Good-Bye

Having owned 5 cats, it was inevitable that I would ultimately have to say good-bye to…

HRT: Natural alternatives during the menopause

Many women in the UK take HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to help alleviate menopause symptoms such…


NUTRIENTS TO SUPPORT BRAIN POWER Exams. The very word strikes fear into the heart of the…

Spring into mental wellness

The last two years have taken their toll on our mental health and wellbeing. Now as…

The whys and wherefores of chronic pain

by Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy 15.5 million UK adults are currently suffering…

Peasy The Rescue Cat

If you’ve been keeping up with my column – and if you haven’t, now would be…

Get set for summer skin

With summer holidays set to go ahead in 2022, it’s time to get glowing for the…