No Good Time To Say Good-bye

Back in May of this year, I wrote a column about how my two remaining cats…

Gone But Not Forgotten: Street Cat Bob

You might think me mad, but I’m not embarrassed to admit that, having spent many years…

Beyond Comprehension

In the five months since my beloved Junebug died, I’ve managed to find other things to…

A Question of Quality

If you’ve been following my articles about Junebug the ailing cat – and why wouldn’t you?…

Just Forever

I was perusing Facebook the other day when I found a post by my friend and…

What’s This Then?

I might’ve known that something was amiss when I began waking up in the morning with…

Oskar the Blind Cat

     You may as well know now that I’m a sentimental old goat. My home is…

Feline Dementia?

If I’m unable to pinpoint exactly when I first noticed that my own mind wasn’t what…