Putting the ‘I’ in International Women’s Day

On 8th March the world will celebrate International Women’s Day or IWD 2024. I am so…

How does your bed affect your health?

by Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy   We are told we need a new…

National Doctor’s Day – March 30th

by Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy https://pixabay.com/photos/flower-carnation-red-flower-nature-7840259/ Image by Ray Shrewsberry • from Pixabay   Around the…

How to Spring Clean Your Diet

By Lucy Jones, Lutrition As spring approaches, this is a time of reflection and new beginnings.…

Need more REM?

REM or Rapid Eye Movement is the part of your sleep when dreaming happens, and it…

Can exercise make cystitis worse?

Cystitis is painful and often the last thing you want to do when you have it…

Are you part of the flaky brow epidemic?

Do you find yourself scratching at your brows more often? Do you wake up with irritated…

Prostate enlargement, a pressing matter

  Prostate disorders affect many men as they get older, making their presence felt in around…