Accepting Reality

For years, I had no understanding that I was not living in reality. It took years to realize my parents were not sane and balanced because of growing up in their dysfunctional families while surviving their difficulties. They lived during the time of the Great Depression in the United States. My parents were not nurtured and therefore could not provide me with the nurturing that I wanted and craved. Both of my parents had difficult experiences in their early years that were threatening to their well-being. In addition, times were hard financially. They both experienced a life of insecurity and lack. Their mind-set was passed on to me; I took it on like a sponge.

Growing up with that basis for my life brought a feeling of not being loved or having my needs met. In fact, my stepdad told me,” We do not spoil Marilyn.” I did not receive many typical childhood things. I learned to make do with what I had and not ask for what I wanted or needed. In my marriage, I continued with this understanding, that I did not deserve to have my needs met. I was not supposed to be spoiled. My life lacked what my friends enjoyed, but I had to recognize that I would not be so lucky.

Now, I understand how the energy of the universe affects our lives. It is not about how worthy you are from a judgmental viewpoint or the luxuries life has for you. After my divorce, living on my own, and finding my way forward brought new information that changed my life. Through joining spiritual groups, I found that I was an equal in the universe. This brought great delight as I had thought of myself as being the low man on the totem pole. In addition, a fresh vision of myself opened up a new understanding that I could create a new life in a reality of love. I discovered that I am able to access the energy of love and manifest it into my life.

Learning that energy is love, light, God, or other spiritual terms brought a new revelation. I could raise my energy into a higher consciousness of love, which is called reality. I found it is my job. In my fresh perception, I can take responsibility for my thinking, communication, and behaviors. I did not have to continue acting out my parents’ background of fear, abuse, being threatened, or depression. My book, “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You”, at Amazon tells how I changed my early programming. Each chapter is a new principle of love for transformation.

Growing up, I tried to keep myself safe by making sure everything was in order, organized, and ready to go. I was running the show in my marriage subtly and passively in my survival. I was stopping the better outcome with my setting up how my life would be. Learning later, when I allow the events to play out as they do, life goes better, was a huge change. Letting go of my plans, allows the energy of the universe to flow to me with better outcomes manifesting into my life.

It is time to become thoroughly honest with myself. I give up all my secrets and defenses for a better life. When releasing all the obstructions created out of endurance, reality can happen. It takes some work, but the trip into a higher consciousness of love is worth the effort.

These gifts of abundance, prosperity, and success were already there waiting for me. Now, I no longer need to see the bad more than the good. It is all good! Now, I can allow them to manifest. Becoming more open to receive them allows me to thank the universe for my gifts daily that improve and enhance my life. My fearful veil lifts to see beyond.

I do not have to project my parents thinking that brought powerlessness, victimization, or fear. Growing into a bigger comfort zone brings maturity. The anxiety of growing into a new consciousness is only temporary until the feelings of reality become more common. I gave up all my beliefs and rights. Today, I “know” everything that is right for me will manifest at the right time and in the correct way. Allowing the loving benefits of the universe into my life is a new experience; it works. My life becomes an adventure.

Removing the barriers is the secret. There is a song, “On a Clear Day You Can See Forever”. The blinders and earplugs of my past apprehension and skewed messages are gone. The clouds of dread lift and the sunlight is brilliant. This creates an elevated awareness. I accept the perfect love of God and know that I am dearly loved. Denial, resistance, and struggles leave with joyous acceptance for my new understanding, knowing, and happenings. Acceptance is the answer to all my problems. I am accepting love.

If I can move into a higher consciousness of sanity, reality, and truth, anyone can. I was never “not a success” as society tries to convince us. When I replace the negativity with loving thoughts, my confidence, self-acceptance, and security are assured. It never left; I just need to align with it. There was nothing wrong with me and there never was.

In new openness, I see myself as a successful person and see others as the caring people they are. The universal laws* flow easily bringing help and good fortune. Opportunities appear at the ideal time and in the proper situations. I know and trust that the universe is taking care of me. I am a success! Right now, I never had it so good.

Marilyn’s pioneering and innovative work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy, restores health and reality. Marilyn’s newest book, “Finding Reality Beyond Fear”, is now available at It is her path into being medically free of all prescriptions and beliefs that stopped health, sanity, and happiness. She found that the love within her heart is health. It is an inside job. Love heals: love never fails. Her ultimate “how to book” is “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You,” which reveals how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of domestic violence, mental illness, addictions, disease and life’s’ challenges.

*Universal laws are explained in last month’s article, “Do You Know About Universal Laws”.

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