Are We a Nation of Animal Lovers?

Apparently not! – According to reports since the Covid-19 outbreak, probably the same persons who ignored the lock down and gaily went off with their pet dogs for walkies and grouped together are now dumping their animals since the knowledge of animals can transfer this disease to persons, therefore creating another pandemic of covid-19 to more persons.  Where do these people come from – obviously from another planet!


The government has stated so many times the slogan STAY AT HOME – PROTECT THE NHS – SAVE LIVES. What isn’t there not to understand?  The longer people flaunt this warning the longer the lock down will be and most importantly these people are putting themselves and others in danger.  It makes you wonder if some people are so sadistic they want this to go on!


Another despicable action is people causing stress to persons working in pharmacists!  What is wrong with people?  I can understand that people are frightened, but if everybody follows the rules and guide lines, all will be well.  It is no good losing tempers because the waiting time is longer for medicines and causing friction to those working as quickly and safely as possible to supply your daily tablets as they have families as well that they need to support.


These people are trying to do the same to the persons who work in Chemists as they did when they were panic buying from stores and shops.  When we are hopeful that this pandemic will come to an end – how as an individual will you feel when collecting your medicines from your local chemist?  Will you be ashamed of your actions during this critical time that some of you created because you didn’t obey the Government warning?

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