Marjorie Proops Syndrome

I started out this morning writing my column when I became aware that I had become…

Fracking Financial Flop

Just think thousands and possibly millions of pounds have been spent on security at Fracking sites…

A Special Appeal by Stephen Lloyd M.P.

Dear Gregory I have been absolutely horrified to see the appalling tragedy that is happening on…


The GG Column   I would like to start off differently with my GG Column by…

Are Local Councils Trying To Lick The Lollipop Both Ends ?

It’s all very well Councils vying for holiday makers by advertising, and taking Eastbourne as an…

Expense, Sense and Sensibility!

There are so many grievances in Eastbourne and the surrounding District, one doesn’t know where to…

Organised Chaos

I do admire our Doctors and Nurses at Eastbourne District General Hospital, and we the population…