Katie Godfrey: What’s all the fuss about lash extensions?

Lash extensions are one of the most popular beauty treatments of all time. Over the past…

How marketing can help Sussex businesses get back on their feet

From home deliveries to priority trading, virtual events to takeaways, home schooling and home working, businesses…

What’s the fuss about fibre?

Dietary fads come and go. Remember the cabbage soup diet? What about the baby food diet?…

The 50+ age group, Blow Your Own Trumpet of Achievements

As a follow on from my last writings on your CV content, understanding your individual achievements…

Lucy Wheeler joins the team at The Sussex Newspaper

Lucy Wheeler (34) is the founder of Lucy Legal Limited, the go-to accessible and affordable legal…

Top tips for immune health

By managing stress, getting enough sleep and improving our diets we can support our immune health…

Meet our new columnist Sarah Stannard

Hello, I’d like to introduce myself… I’m Sarah Stannard, and I am a Health & Wellness…

Cat Years

Because I’ve become more mindful, these days, of the fact that both of my cats are…