Some Significant Things Life Has Taught Me

I. have learned there are no mistakes in life. It was all planned before I came…

7 everyday items that might be making your periods worse

  Discover 7 everyday items that contain endocrine-disrupting hormones (EDCs) and how they affect your period.…

National Smile Month – Smiling Isn’t Aways Easy

It’s hard to smile when you have a cold sore according to almost 70% of cold…

8 drinks to boost your immune system!

Having a strong immune system will help you to fend off allergies, as well as any…


Changing the Negative to the Positive By Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, ABH, IBRT Were you raised…

5 Foods to help you nod off!

Trouble sleeping? Getting enough sleep and sleeping well is hugely important for health. Ongoing sleep problems…

The Good Pubic Guide!

Pubic hair is no longer something that is hidden beneath the sheets and never discussed.  …

The gut-menstrual health connection!

In the world of health and well-being, the gut has emerged as a central player, influencing…