PRESS RELEASE Ebne Gilbert and Sullivan Society Presents RUDDYGORE

Something non political this time:- Rare Chance to See Spooky Operetta in Playful Production Hot on…

Too Tired To Cry!

I have been putting off this report because I didn’t want to believe that the Premier…

Carers – Are They Getting a Fair Deal?

I thought it was about time to give this report another airing!   “Caring for someone…

Fancy That! They Do Have An MP for Eastbourne And Willingdon

Caroline Ansell is the M P for Eastbourne. Although nobody hadn’t a clue, until everybody received…

Twisted Values (A paragraph of the news)

Why we are all swamped with the news regarding whether Boris Johnson held a party or…


I’m in two minds.  Rather a funny statement to make, but this government of our illustrious…

The World Turned Upside Down!

So many things have happened that shouldn’t have been allowed to happen – the news reporting…

Panic Petrol Purchasing!

Just when you think all is on the right track with the world – up comes…