I’m in two minds.  Rather a funny statement to make, but this government of our illustrious leader Bodger Johnson gives credence to how I feel about being governed by a bunch of liars. There is a rule for us – Joe Public and another for Boris and his Ministers. “No gatherings outside of any number!”  It appears that several parties took place during the Lockdown and denials from the lips of liars stated emphatically that none took place and then added information informing us that social distancing was in force at all times.  It seemed a rather peculiar statement to make if a party never took place and I assumed it was Boris’s way of telling us a half-truth.  In some cases, one of the merits of becoming an M.P. is that you had to be convincing at telling lies and this is evident when questions are asked publicly by BBC or ITV interviewers.

Now as we come up to date with the cheese and wine disguised as a meeting of more than 30 members of the Houses of Parliament whether inside or outside it doesn’t seem fair when statements from Boris tells us we mustn’t do certain things.  How can one ever believe anything this government tells us? – I can’t and I don’t.

Because of the pandemic, the rules of seeing your Dentist, Doctor or anybody face to face is now on a new level and is likely to be the norm in the future.   To a certain point I can understand this, as nobody knows whether they have Covid until it’s too late and those professional people have to be protected as well, but it doesn’t help the person who feels that what she or he has is something that can be cured with a few tablets or is something more serious.

I’m suffering with acute Sinusitis this year and seeing my Doctor on a face to face basis isn’t going to happen and it looks like Covid-19 and the many variants that are plaguing this world of ours have made new rules for us all which we have to follow. Whether we get back to normality is in the lap of the Gods.

It is unfortunate that some people seem to be ignorant of the fact that Covid-19 and the different variants can kill which might not happen to them, but to the more vulnerable people with severe medical problems which could be a dangerous threat to their wellbeing.  Those people who ignore the news are the ones who are not looking at the bigger picture and suffer from tunnel vision to suit themselves in their little world and selfishly do things that are going to spoil it for others.  The longer they are ignorant of what is happening in the real world the longer suffering is going to be with us.

Apart from this we wish all our readers a Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so – Swear words are not accepted.

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