Driving us Mad

Probably one of the most emotive subjects for debate is our own, or other peoples driving.…

Contradictions of Life

I have always liked the little contradictions and ironic twists of life. The black against the…

World Poetry Day: A gift

Well as It’s World Poetry Day I thought as your “resident” poet I would offer up…

Hyper Supermarkets

Perhaps one of the less attractive places to observe human behaviour that I love to write…

“Inn the Pub

It is written that all the world is a stage and we are merely players upon…

Mixed messages: For better or verse

We have probably nearly all heard of the old saying that “poppycock (in place of a…

Mixed messages: For better or verse?

We have probably nearly all heard of the old saying that “poppycock (in place of a…

Paradoxical poems for the season

One of the reasons I enjoy writing poetry, but hey own up Wilkie, probably my favourite…