Mixed messages: For better or verse?

We have probably nearly all heard of the old saying that “poppycock (in place of a stronger word lol) baffles brains”, or more directly that people who exaggerate (lie), can often be believed until their bad memory, or too far fetched and unbelievable fantasies catch them out.

Social media is now a wonderful vehicle for people who would venture towards this pastime or perhaps would like to be a Hans Christian Anderson with his fairy tales. Well I have always taken the view that if people so desire, they can tell my the most outrageous “Mickey Mouse, there’s a fibber in the house” stories but “Oh Please!”, don’t expect me to believe them!

So back to good old social media and more specifically Facebook, possibly the largest and most used source for interactions, rants, trivia, vomit and err, umm , well yes “Poppycock” !!! Come on I’m pretty sure that most of us have read somebodies “posts” on there and thought, “really?, so what or you’re having a laugh”. I certainly have, and my particular dislike is duplicitous vomit like “Oooo I’m Sooooo lucky with my Wooooooondeful husband” when that same person was ranting to you in real life how that “wooooooooooooonderful” husband was driving her mad and she wanted o get rid of him. Memory, you need a good memory.

Sadly there is a more serious side to all of this as brought to my attention by a good friend, who introduced it as a suggestion for a poem theme for me. YES it is coming. Apparently many of her friends were considering leaving Facebook as being made to feel inferior, depressed or inadequate by everyone else’s seemingly perfect life.

As the concept struck an exact chord with me and was right down my gun barrel I set to work and completed the poem in under a day, to her ecstatic delight, thanks Diana, and is now published in my second book More Poetic Views of Life and is unsurprisingly titled “Altered Lives”, not subtle but true, and now follows.

Altered Lives

Facebook farms out people’s lives

And all that folk want to say,

Of wonder felt and places seen

Like how you’ve had the greatest day.

You can type and post at your will

And put each very latest photo in,

A broad smiling chap drinking beer

Who is always miserable as sin!

For mostly we are led to believe

That your loving soul mate is best,

Yet strangely when you talk alone

You say that you’re not really blessed.

Wonder kids with mammoth brains

Their parents are so very proud,

Before the super child’s prize is won

A success is shouted right out loud!

So some other mere mortals tell me

That they feel so inferior and sad,

Because no future brilliant child

Star of theirs, have they got or had!

Private dirty linen is all hung out,

For the worlds sympathy or shame

On unfortunate ex partners or spouse

Who must surely take all the blame.

But wait, for I must take some flak

For the content of some of my posts,

That I purposely put on to tweak

And wind up those superstar hosts.


Who bring on the need for vomit bags

And cause normal minds to grieve,

But not so many are easily taken in

For their magic lives we don’t believe!

But of course like any other system

Facebook can make you laugh or frown,

Especially through it’s worldwide web

A dear lost friend it helps track down!

Well from feedback to me that seems to sort it out in many people’s minds and says “exactly how I feel about it” as others have told me, which as a humble poet is manna to me and my ears. Ok I am reasonably humble then ho ho as I have to have a bit of swagger and bite as The Psychy Poet.

So what other examples can we dredge up from Facebook then? Mmmm, boring trivia, “I am having a coffee in town”, Yahoo!!!, “I am in my pyjamas already”, Really??? Stunning. One of my favourites, “I am late for work”! Hahhaaaaa, well if you weren’t telling us all, who do NOT care, you perhaps would not be so late ??? Too simple?, possibly, but then of course we have the “mixed messages” of love, success or devotion we know are not true, for example continued and excessive declarations of happiness, love or denial of such. Shakespeare wrote something like “the lady doth protest too much, methinks”, which seems to sum it up.

Another favourite of mine are photos, lots and lots of photos, yes the more the err merrier? Food photos! Ok I can allow for sharing a meal photo before you have eaten it, but AFTERWARDS ??? Ha ha ha, the leftovers??? “This is what was left on the plate”! Oh, right, thanks and cheers for that……..

Multi photos! “Here we are playing with the kids”, yeah nice. But NINETY FIVE ????? Yes I am not joking, oh flipping heck I don’t want to see 95 of my own photos in one go. Oh dear me, but thanks for the “Poem Fodder”.

Right, second poem which is topically called “Framed” and is self explanatory but follows my cynical thoughts above. No shock that it is from my Reflective section again in my second book as mentioned before.


Staring out from inside a frame

Your smiling, happy scene.

Captured in that photograph

To prove where you have been!

Could it be a tranquil time

Frozen there from your past?

Lovely days, a fleeting sight

You hoped would always last.

For pictured in that photo flash

A scene that didn’t take too long,

But will stay and show for ever

So can never say what’s wrong,

If the memory was questioned

About how it all turned out,

Over times that rolled on slowly

That photo may cause a doubt!

So a perfect shot of instant flash

That may not show what’s right,

But preserved now in that frame

Is a nice image of perfect sight!

Just before I round things up with a “nice” poem, I must mention the plethora of “Worldly Wise” posters that give great advice on what to do, how and when to do it etc for a fantastic life, yes good oh, well go and DO it then. Anyway enough of that now and as promised a poem from a Romance section which is about honestly recognising your partner/spouse’s value and how they have helped and supported you. Nice, and is entitled “Rock Star”. So after the “poppycock and porky pies” we end with good old honesty.

Enjoy, cheers Laurie…..

Rock Star

At times life seems a struggle

You just don’t know what to do,

But you will always find a way

When someone really loves you.

They will help to pick you up

And send you back on your way,

So even if you stumble more

You will feel their love each day.

The best way to deal with strife

Is to take the worry and share,

As any help and encouragement

Will remind you that they care.

A simple man can be like a king

And lifted on towards his glory.

Knowing that he has an ally who,

Will support and tell his story.

This ally will help to pick you up

And send you back on your way,

So even if you stumble more

You will feel their love each day.

When you’ve won and are the star

And all the accolades you pack,

You will look round for your “rock”

But they’ve gone three paces back.

Thus leaving the spotlight all on you

As by the admirer’s you are trailed,

You will know deep in your heart

Without your rock you’d have failed!

All three of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

MORE Poetic Views of Life &

Reviews of Life in Verse

Will ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes and my books only priced £4. 99p each are all on sale at Amazon, or from me at …………….. lw1800@hotmail.co.uk

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”

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