Escape Opportunity and Invite

On the 15th December there is a pleasant opportunity to escape from the hustle, bustle and…

Nature: 2) Animals and Creatures

So here we are at the second of my three separate articles on “nature”. For those…

Nature: 1) Man

As I considered the topic or theme for my next monthly article I thought about writing…

Mental Health Awareness Day 10th October

MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DAY !!! There but for the grace of god go we? After my…

For National Poetry Day: Some love

Well Thursday 4th October (today) is National Poetry Day so let’s have some love! As The…

External View

What you see on the surface or outside, will often seem quite obvious, but is it…


Well as it will probably be about mid August time when you read this, many of…


Now a messenger is described unsurprisingly as a deliverer of messages! Wonderful, so what then is…