Circus Needs Help to Trace Animal Loving Granny


Jay Miller’s Circus, which is currently touring the region, has issued an appeal to help trace a local grandmother who is concerned about their animal rights record. Ringmaster, Ross Farrar, explains…

An irate grandmother has called our ticket hotline to complain about our “use of wild animals in circus” after her Grandson, who we believe saw this years production as part of the free entry event at the Laughton Spring Fayre, told her that the best bit of the show was a “massive Polar Bear who dances to disco music”.

This lady is very upset and is reluctant to see our side of the story. So far her threats have been of adverse publicity, but we are worried that she will contact the media with exagerated claims of dancing bears in chains. If this lady is as persistent as we believe and continues with targeting our Circus then perhaps other concerned members of the public might take matters into their own hands and who knows of the consequences.

We would like to put the record straight. Yes, we have a massive Polar Bear…but it is an inflatable costume with a human inside.

We would love to get in contact with this lady and explain the situation and set the record straight. We have even started a Facebook campaign to try and find her but as yet no luck, perhaps she isn’t connected to the internet and so we are looking for help.

We understand that this all comes across as very amusing but this lady is very distressed. We believe circus is a medium to spread happiness and joy and we really don’t want to be upsetting people. Please help us to find her as quickly as possible and explain the truth behind the confusion.

Upon finding the lady the show’s Director would love her to visit the Big Top to meet the 9ft Polar Bear in person – and perhaps throw some shapes on the dance floor with him. Please help us find this lady and make her life more “bear-able”

Anyone with information that may help to identify this lady is encouraged to contact Jay Miller’s Circus through their ticket hotline on 07976 655180. 

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