Could keeping a journal change your life?

by Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy

Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay


Picking up a pen and writing in a journal is a such a simple pastime  – yet it’s frequently overlooked. Many of us do not realise the numerous benefits journalling can have on our lives. Read on and find out how keeping a journal could change your life in many ways you probably have never realised.

Many successful people – scientists, philosophers and entrepreneurs kept journals. Yes – Charles Darwin, Socrates and Richard Branson – are just a few famous and successful people who regularly kept a journal.

Journalling has the following advantages  –


It provides a private space for your innermost thoughts and feelings

A journal is private and for your eyes only. For best results pour your heart out in your journal but never show it to anyone else. The journal can be a good friend. It can listen without being judgemental.


It has been shown to improve mental and physical health

Keeping a journal is a tool often used by psychotherapists when treating people with a variety of mental health conditions. Research shows that writing expressively, and/or keeping a gratitude journal, can improve mental health symptoms for those with anxiety and PTSD. Journalling can also help lower blood pressure.


It leads to higher levels of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the higher brain function we use in our everyday lives, to deal with stress and sort out issues that don’t go according to plan. Low levels of emotional intelligence lead to arguments, conflict, and relationship disputes and breakdown. Higher levels of emotional intelligence allow us to feel empathy, be able to negotiate, and result in more harmonious relationships at home and at work.

Keeping a journal means revisiting incidents and reevaluating how things could have gone differently. It helps us critically appraise our behaviour and allows us to see things from a different perspective. Journalling has been shown to increase emotional intelligence.


It is a good opportunity for writing down SMART goals

In our personal lives, as well as at work, it can be helpful to set goals and work towards these. Where better to record these goals than in a journal? It is important that these goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-limited – SMART goals. Writing these down instead of leaving them swimming in your head means you are more likely to achieve them.


It helps develop creativity

Many people find the journal to be a great way to inspire their creativity. Writing down ideas, thoughts and aspirations allows you to think more clearly about things. You can declutter your mind and allow ideas to come to fruition. Many people have found writing their journal produced life-changing results.


Final thoughts

If you’ve never kept a journal, why not give it a try? Stress levels are at an all-time high in the UK. Journalling is a practical, simple, inexpensive and drug-free way to lower stress, and has so many other benefits. I’ve been keeping a journal to support my efforts to lose weight recently and I find it hugely helpful.

  • Maybe today is the day to start your journal?


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