Teamwork and factors that can influence performance

I’ve been reflecting on the subject matter for my contribution to The Sussex Newspaper and I’ve been speaking with colleagues. The result is that I have decided to run a series of articles identifying the key factors that contribute to business success. The areas I will be covering in the first series focus on the team and factors which can influence performance. Here’s a taster!

Leading a Team
Leading a team is different to managing a team. Leading focuses on the emotional side of our relationships with colleagues and team members. In this first article we will explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and its impact on poor performers. We’ll also see how it adds value to relationships with customers. Investing emotion into decisions is viewed by some as a weakness. But when customers are treated with emotional intelligence, the result can be unbridled success. What is your leadership style? An experienced manager may well know theirs but what about the new manager or supervisor who has just been promoted? I will have assessments that will enable you to explore your style and consider how this impacts on your team. And more! When new managers and supervisors are promoted do you make sure they understand the power they are given and how to use this power in a positive way? If not, then with a little intervention you can develop a fantastic new leader with a new skill base to add value to the team … and your company.

Developing a Team
To develop a team you need to be a multi-talented manager. You need to know what buttons to press and when to press them. There are many different ways to begin this journey, but one thing is common to all. You need to engage your people such that they are motivated to be the best they can be. Delegation plays a key part here. All great leaders have the power to inspire and the wisdom to delegate. The two go hand in glove. But delegation requires that we ensure our people are developed to a level that gives them confidence to rise to the challenge. I will be providing guidance on development assessments that can be interleaved with appraisals and 1-1s to make sure your people are empowered to take on the responsibilities needed to develop themselves and the business as a whole.

How to improve Team Effectiveness
Here we will explore areas such as Team Management, covering all of the critical success factors. I will be adding assessments and models to my website to help you assess and evaluate where your team is currently and, more importantly, what steps you need to take to make it more as effective as it can possibly be. I will cover specialist skills like how to build confidence in team members and also what support to provide to new supervisors and managers who need to be champions for your aspirations. This can be particularly challenging if you have internally promoted managers, who are having to adjust to changes in their relationships with ex-peers!

Throughout my new series of articles, there will be links to downloadable assessments and models to assist you in implementing the advanced leadership practices that will shift your business into the next gear. And if, at any time, you require any further information or specific advice, please email me or leave your details at

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