Insurance – It’s All Pay Out – But No Cover!

I always wonder why we mortals pay sums of money to Insurance Companies who make every effort to worm themselves out of paying out anything and their explanations of not doing so seem to appear plausible. I have had the privilege at hearing not just once and not just twice, but four times why insurance doesn’t cover “Wear and Tear” of the membrane in the attic under the roof tiling and I wonder what does it cover?

I was told that because the chimney was in line with the lining that was damaged – the rain formed a flow of water just like a river and of course the water somehow had got into the attic and caused a weakness in the membrane – it seemed plausible at the time, but I ask myself how did the water get past the tiles in the first place and should I re-apply for the Insurers to come again to inspect the tiles? I would be interested to hear another fairy story several times over why they can’t pay out under the insurance for a new roof.  However, there was, in his statement a contradiction and it was “all roofs move over the years.” I think that’s how the water managed to get into our attic!

Most things such as wear are to be found in that category since houses that were built in 1976 as an example, a period of 43 years has elapsed and during that time we who own our properties are going to find lots of things in need of repair through natural causes which seem to escape the Home Insurances list of repair work under the insurance that these companies have carefully selected not to be included – but they still require our money which seems to escalate every year!

I had a similar run-in with my Insurers a couple of years ago when somehow our outer door keys went missing and I had to get new keys and locks straight away and then sent in a claim form for my Insurers to pay for the new locks and keys.  The Insurers were arguing the fact I had not waited and claimed through them first.  Now I thought that was a strange request when Insurance Companies are usually “RED HOT” on security as this was pointed out to me when we had our extension built – they upped my Insurance payments while the house was open in certain areas during the build.

Once secure the payments were back to the usual monthly amount and yet they wanted me to wait for them to send someone to view and then supply their company to provide new locks and keys to our house – I think they were looking for an excuse not to pay and they wouldn’t have had I not made certain observations to them about security and eventually I was paid for the services of the Locksmith that I had chosen which turned out to be the same company they would have chosen as I was informed by the lady who came to do the work.

And so if the House Insurance covers from ground level to the top of the chimney, but doesn’t include things that wear out – what’s the point of having Insurance!  But like most things it is necessary in case that something catastrophic happens and your claim is paid out without any arguments from the company you are insured with.

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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