Are Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship?

Another Tory hits the dust – but stays with the EASTBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL and by all accounts is going to honour his debts. D C must be thinking “Eastbourne was the last place that he wanted things to go pear shaped owing to the fact that his government gave two million pounds when part of Eastbourne pier burnt down.”


It was alleged that a picture in the local Eastbourne Herald of a smiling Conservative member “Mr. W” did not pay HMRC tax deducted from his staff’s wages and there were alleged claims that “Mr. W” used his business account to pay for holidays and shopping trips.


It is amazing that Tory M.P’s can actually smile whenever they’ve been found out at doing wrong. For the likes of you and me – Joe Public we would be in court facing charges of fraud. You have to ask yourself “Does becoming a Member of Parliament give you immunity from the law of the land? Does it D C?

Am I going to vote Tory?

Not bloody likely!


Follow My Leader!


It has been suggested by the leader of the Labour Party that properties in excess of £2,000,000 be subject to a “Mansion Tax.” All sorts of excuses have emerged such as old families that purchased properties forty years ago are asset rich and income poor. Hardly believable really, if they are income poor how can they maintain their mansions? Another highly paid person stated that “It could cause all sorts of problems!” I wonder what sort of problems he is thinking about. Another person stated “The policy is too crude to work properly!” The only problem I can forsee is those rich people just don’t want to dig in their pockets like other families have had to, especially the Bedroom Tax that probably one of those rich M.P.’s thought of in the first place.


According to a “Lord A” who has inside knowledge on who will win the election has given the Conservatives a 2 point lead and the Labour party minus 35 points. Of course Lord A is a Tory Peer. Perhaps he thinks it is a horse race. All the people that have had to pay those extra taxes and all the Pensioners that have had to scrape and skimp from week to week are hardly likely to vote Conservatives unless they want to receive further taxes that that party can think of to replace the Mansion Tax – they’ve got to get money from someone, it might as well be the poor, after all they have had plenty of practice being poor.


M1 – M6 – A14 Catthorpe Interchange


From Lands End to John O’Groats plus the width of the United Kingdom. Every Hamlet, Village, Town and City must have parking fees and parking fines for those who think they can get away without paying. (They should know only dignitaries and Councillors get away without paying); this should reap in a tidy sum every year. We mustn’t forget the toll road fees. The point I am getting at is the TAX PAYER is to foot the bill for the M1 – M6 – A14 CATTHORPE INTERCHANGE which is estimated at 162 MILLION POUNDS.   Think about it!!!


As we are on about TAX – Those poor wretches who are working their fingers to the bone hoping to live long enough to reap the benefits of their savings and pensions will be disappointed. The Income Tax people are still going to be on your back demanding that you pay TAX ON YOUR ALREADY TAXED SAVINGS AND PENSIONS. Whoever thought that up knew they were on a winner and probably thought old people are so decrepit they won’t notice that the government are placing a tax on their already taxed earnings. Clever D i C k!


Because of the low interest rate those persons who have a small savings catchment, have not had the benefit of the interest, whereas millionaires and billionaires have had all the rich pickings and are able to pass under the table a million or two to the Conservative Party, so it has been alleged by a National Newspaper reporter who received a leakage report – so I am led to believe. Money isn’t everything, only good deeds count.


(DC = The Prime Minister)


The BBC Iplayer


A wonderful conception! Yes! But why did they have to move the “RADIO” part of the Iplayer to another station? In doing so the BBC have forgotten to place two words that once you have listened to the programme of your choice, you can’t get out of that page because they have omitted the words “DONE” and “BACK.” You have to log out of the programme completely and locate the menu page, but that doesn’t always work and you usually find yourself back where you started (or finished). Come on BBC – get your finger out!


While on the same subject – the BBC – “NEW TRICKS” tends to be on a “WHISPERING MODE.” Out of three episodes, only one episode that had been recorded – my wife and I were able to hear comfortably…….and why do we have to listen to inappropriate choices of loud music in all programmes that the BBC & ITV have decided to include in their recordings. Whose hair brained scheme was that? You are spoiling the whole concept of viewing. There are plenty of “MUSIC PROGRAMMES” to listen to without numbing our senses with music that doesn’t match the programme we are hoping to enjoy.


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