Reasons Why

Converting my thoughts, observations and emotions of life into verse is often quite therapeutic. Mostly I enjoy this but at times my rage “boileth over” and like most compassionate people I seethed over the cowardly manner of the attacks in Paris on the aptly dated Friday 13th November last!

Three days after the event I quite quickly wrote the following poem, which as the lead in suggests, pulls no punches!

That this following poem, (copyright of My Voice Publishing & Laurie Wilkinson) is very strong, and as a poet of life, I make no apologies. From rapid feedback to me it seems it speaks for many other people too….

Lambs and Guns

I am naked except for my clothes

No match for knives, bombs and gun.

You can kill me anytime you want

For my only defence is to run.

You are fully armed to your teeth

A veritable arsenal moving on legs,

So you can slaughter and maim at will

No matter how much your victim begs,

As they relax, carefree on a beach,

At a cafe, or maybe a music hall.

Thus your foul war on the unarmed

Ensures only the innocents fall!

Creeping, slithering, making your plans

Hiding in shadows behind a locked door.

Disgusting cowards, strapping on bombs

For your sick, ambushing war.

Thus you avoid, and wont bring to combat

Any trained and well armed man.

So you stick to putrid sewers,

And attack like only scum can.

For I am naked except for my clothes

No match against knife, bombs and gun.

And you can kill me anytime you want,

As my only defence is to run.

So stalk our free world, trying to see

Easy targets like lambs, unaware at play.

Your brainwashed mind and smoking gun

Will never earn a winners sway.

That is one of the reasons why I put in my last article that poetry, and certainly my poetry, should reflect the poets feelings and observations. I also said I tend to “nail my poetic words in” regardless of theme. “Thoughts that breathe and words that burn” is how Gray describes poetry. If I can aspire to and personify that description, I am a very happy man.

Anyway after all that I think that the mood should be lightened, so I will share a (hopefully) humorous poem called “Cocky Too’s” that I’m confident most men and many women will agree with and have had the experience of. Oh yes ho ho, strangely it is set in a pub that I visited, not again I must add, but is synonymous with many pubs and one of my favourite settings to observe life.

Cocky Too’s

Sitting on their bar stools

Just like parrots on a perch,

And delivering a sermon

As if they were in church.

Solving all the worlds deep problems

Without scarce a pause for breath,

It could be the beer talking

Or a latest script for meths!

My ears hear the words of wisdom

Spraying the bar room just like rain,

So I wonder why they’re sat there

And driving everyone insane.

For if they have all the answers

To put all wrongs right,

Why not just go out and do it

And spare us all your sight!

Another correction to all errors

Follows a deep gulp of beer,

With a look that says I’m lucky

To be near enough to hear,

All the meaning of the mysteries

That world leaders cannot solve

Of poverty and pollution answers

That from this bar will evolve!

But I only went to the bar

To try to get myself a drink,

Past the barrier of “know all’s”

That won’t allow your brain to think

So I have my prudent answer

To the puzzle in my brain,

If I want peace and quiet

I won’t come in here again!

So with perhaps some explanation of reasons why I am motivated to write my poetry and where the ideas come from I will conclude for now.

Of course I will add that all three of my books, “Poetic Views of Life, More Poetic Views of Life and Reviews of Life in Verse” can be bought on Amazon or from me at e mail …. at only £4. 99p from which I donate to the excellent charity Help for Heroes.

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