If you want to give your skin a little extra TLC, Wassen is here to help with five simple hacks to help you look after your skin, inside and out.

Eat foods packed with anti-oxidants and  vitamins that help look after your skin

Look to include a range of highly coloured fruits and vegetables as these are rich in vitamins A, C and B (including Biotin, B2 and B3).  Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress, the process associated with ageing cells and decay, while vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, a naturally occurring protein responsible for skin strength and elasticity, to ensure that your skin is functioning healthily. Try to include the following in your diet to ensure you’re eating skin goodness:

  • Carrots, Squashes, Peppers = Beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A in the body). So why not enjoy a delicious soup for lunch featuring one or more of these?
  • Eggs, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables = B vitamins. These are the perfect ingredients for making a delicious and easy omelette.
  • Strawberries, Spinach, Citrus Fruits = Vitamin C. These can be blended into refreshing but simple juices
  • Nuts, Seeds = Vitamin E. Enjoy as a healthy snack or try sprinkled on yoghurt with fruit for breakfast.

Key foods that contain minerals that help to maintain skin

Silicon is the third most abundant trace element in the body. It is involved in making collagen and is a component of hair, skin, and nails. Did you know silica is a natural source of Silicon? It can be found in foods, or you can take it as a supplement to support your dietary intakes.

  • Bananas and oats – both provide a good food source of Silica and can easily be enjoyed together as a yummy bowl of porridge topped with bananas and honey.

Zinc is another mineral that helps contributes to the maintenance of normal skin. It also contributes to the metabolism of vitamin A and protein synthesis.

  • Prawns, mushrooms, nuts, seeds – are all rich in zinc which helps keep the skin healthy. A quick and easy dinner would be a prawn and mushroom stir fry with chopped cashews.

Get more sleep

According to the NHS[1], one in 3 of us suffers from poor sleep, with stress, computers and taking work home often to blame. These contributing factors can all seriously impact on your appearance so improving your bedtime ritual may help. Try these top tips:

  • Remove screen time at least an hour before sleep.
  • Take a relaxing bath scented with lavender oil.
  • Make sure your bedroom is a relaxing sanctuary with a good quality mattress and pillows.

 Drink More Water

Often the big question is how much is enough? To incorporate more water into your daily routine, try the following suggestions:

  • Keep water by your bed so you can hydrate when you go to sleep and when you wake up.
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables which are high in water content, such as cucumber, strawberries and melon.
  • Restrict caffeinated drinks during the day which are diuretics and replace with herbal teas or chicory coffee which are naturally caffeine free.

 Try a skin supplement

Depending on your skin type, age or condition you may feel a supplement is a good idea to help maintain a radiant looking skin.

Wassen® Silica-OK: Hair, Skin & Nails has been formulated with a bio-available form of Silica extracted from bamboo. Silica is prepared from the Tabashir bamboo leaves and stem which is the richest source of natural Silica, containing over 70%. Silica is a source of Silicon, a component of hair, skin and nails.

Wassen® Silica-OK: Hair, Skin and Nails contains a balanced combination of three minerals and seven vitamins, including Vitamin C, which contributes to the formation of collagen for healthy skin function as well as Zinc for healthy hair, skin and nails. In addition to this, Wassen® Silica-OK: Hair, Skin and Nails contains Vitamin E, which helps to protect cells from oxidative stress and Vitamin B6, which contributes to regulating hormonal activity in the body.

Wassen® Silica-OK Hair, Skin & Nails: £7.99 for a pack of 30.  Available from, Boots the Chemists, Amazon, health food stores and independent pharmacies.

Food supplements should not be used a substitute for a balanced diet or healthy lifestyle.


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