Why does Jeremy Hunt think that members of the public will get better health care from Doctors working practically a 24/7 existence?  I know I wouldn’t like to be the patient at the end of a Doctor’s shift, especially if I had a serious complaint that needed accuracy in medication which would mean the difference between a life or death outcome.  What would be a better deal for doctors would be if they had the same pay and working conditions as members of parliament.  I think that David Cameron and his Comic Party should lead by example and not what they think is an acceptable life style.  I bet your bottom dollar they wouldn’t like it if it was proposed that they should toe the line and have to work with the same restrictions.


After hearing that the Government are imposing the deal that they have worked out that Doctors and Patients would benefit by, it just goes to prove my point that the Conservative Party are trying to bring down the NHS – it has been an organisation that has worked successively for years until this comic party took over.  If JEREMY HUNT is responsible for FIVE HUNDRED DOCTORS to resign that will be the end of the NHS – so well done you TORY VOTERS – one good thing is that YOU THE TORY VOTER will have to pay for your health problems.  Another thing that comes to my mind is that freedom of speech will be perilously close in becoming banned unless you agree to everything the Government states – so are we going to become a Conservatory Government Controlled state.


According to some newspaper reports, even David Cameron’s Mother is against the cuts his Government is making on Children’s Centres and wouldn’t you think he would feel ashamed of what he is doing, obviously not.


Since televising Houses of Parliament it is noticeable that more than half of its members are missing from the building and the rest of them are asleep and when they are in attendance they act like rowdy children and to think these people govern the country.   Having seen the American contenders to become the American President of the United States makes you wonder what kind of mentality that the American people are letting themselves in for, but then again the voters tend to be a frenzied bunch as well.  The present President’s campaign I thought was more civilised and sedate and I thought a good man to have at the helm, but then again that is my opinion.


Are you the people of the United Kingdom going to vote “YES?” or “NO?” to stay in the EU?  It seems that David Cameron and George Osborne and Jeremy Hunt and a few other Tory members are touring the country scare-mongering that the economy of Britain will plunge if voters of the EU Referendum don’t vote “AYE”  and Osborne has come up with another word BREXIT which means Britain Exit.  They are flinging mud at the Mayor of London Boris Johnson because he is against the Prime Minister.  It’s what I expected from the PM and his cohorts, they never fight fair and they always move the goal posts on an unlevel pitch to suit themselves. With all this bullying there is no such thing as freedom to make one’s choice for as long as the voters say “Yes!” we are in his good books and  we the British people are always going to be governed by two Parliaments, BRUSSELS and BRITAIN.  I’m taking a line from one of Gilbert & Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore ballads: ‘Are we but slaves?’  Yes! I’m afraid we are!

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