The Present Moment

Moving into the present is fascinating. For many years, I prayed for a better life without the prior problems and hurts. In time, I learned to let go of past painful luggage and future worries for a daily pleasant environment. My earlier columns have addressed doing this. My book, “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You” at Amazon explains in detail the process to shift into the “Now”.

Love is an expression of the willingness to create space in which something is allowed to change. Therefore, I needed to clear out old harms from the past and expectations from the future to allow circumstances that create a functional life. Through great resolve, I offered forgiveness, while releasing my emotions of anger, fear, shame, guilt, and other negative energies. This allows space where loving energy can replace those feelings and expand.

No longer, did I need to react from the devastations and disastrous past. Not reacting and being caught up in the drama of politics, family, or friends, brings a sense of composure. Currently, life around me seems different. I am not seeing issues around me in the same perception. In this novel place, facing life challenges with loving solutions is new. This is often called growing up.

It is a sense of being in the “eye of the hurricane”, where it is calm. The winds are blowing beyond me; however, they are not affecting me. I first recognized my new experience at a Christmas meal. My fellow would not miss his family traditional Christmas morning brunch. I was in a room of people where I was not part of the family; I felt out of place. They seemed difficult, argumentative, and egotistical. It was not comfortable circumstances for me.

With several years of changing my attitudes, this year, I was present and felt calm. Everything seemed neutral; however, they had not changed, I realized I had changed. It felt like serenity. I found myself accepting each person as they are; the issues felt dissolved. This new space was nice, but unfamiliar. No longer, was I reacting to their games, problems, or controlling ways. Could I do this with the rest of my life?

This last week, I had two major shifts in my life. Within a twenty-four hour time, I was recommended by the owner of a company that puts out my news releases to a radio show host. She was looking for a person to interview with a holistic health background. He suggested me. The host called to explore my stand on a certain medical situation. She and I agreed and I was on the air the next day, where named celebrities had been featured in prior interviews. That I was in included with well-known people was a great triumph. This happened because I cleaned out the past for this to come into my present experience.

My greatest delight is that over the years of family dysfunction, my deepest wish was for a happy family. This morning I had the surprise of all time. My daughter called to see if she and her fellow could build a home on my next-door lot. He suggested it as he is a contractor and they need to move out of a rental. That she even wants to live next door to me was a shock after former difficult times. This has opportunities for me in my older age for close support. After years of releasing the past for a new day, my new life allowed this to happen. Surprise, nearby I will be having functional cheerful kin.

Understanding I had been pushing away what I wanted has changed my life. The prior circumstances that arise from previous relationships were from my attitudes that needed healing by forgiveness gratitude, compassion, and unconditional love. I was my own foe. I have met the enemy and it is me. I know today that those situations outside of me are a representation of what I need to heal. This understanding fashioned a new me.

Everyone is exactly where he or she is supposed to be in his or her experience. Understanding that they are being themselves, and it is not my job to change them, is emerging in my life.
“Live and let Live” is a slogan that I finally understand. When emotional problems surface, I find I can place myself in the calm center again. It comes from within; not from others

I am not trying to protect myself today. I do not need them to love me, take care of me, or keep me from being lonely. My inner spiritual awareness is alive and well, taking care of me better than anyone does. Today, I have self-love. I have now joined the realm of spirit. This peace surpasses all understanding.

I am detached from my miserable and unmanageable past leaving space for great opportunities to come into my life. I like the idea of my previous life releasing. The truth is that I prayed for this since I was a little girl. The trick was that I had to clear away the blockages I created, for space allowing my prayers to manifest.

Surprisingly, I found myself in grief for the past leaving. Letting go of the old me has allowed sorrow for the old me to die. The earlier issues are no longer a concern. Now, I am free to be myself and enjoy life. The phoenix is rising from the ashes. Lately, I am watching funny movies because laughter is good medicine. I have come into a feeling of being in the world but not of it.

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