30 Things I’ve Learned From Being Single


I’ve learned a lot over the past two years. I was what people would call a ‘relationship’ person (four years then two years), before it all came to a screeching halt. For the first time in six years I found myself alone and SINGLE. The dreaded S word… I couldn’t even remember the last time I had been on the dating scene. What does that even mean (cats, Netflix, Tinder, one night stands)!?

I made a pact to myself to stay single for a year and it was the best thing I ever did. It allowed me to focus on me, and as cliché as it sounds, love myself again!

I’ve now been single for two years and it’s been an incredible journey. Here’s just some of what I’ve learned along the way (spoiler alert, it’s actually pretty amazing!)

  1. Sleeping on your own is AWESOME
  2. You will ALWAYS feel like the odd one out at Christmas time
  3. You should never EVER sleep with your best friend from the opposite sex (unless it’s a sure thing)
  4. You’re friends really ARE everything
  5. You will have ONE single friend who is always down to party (cherish them)
  6. Your mum IS always right (love you mum)
  7. Your friends in relationships will LIVE vicariously through you (how many times have you heard that!?)
  8. That females think TOO much (guilty as charged!)
  9. Boys are SIMPLE – don’t try and read between the lines. If they like you they’ll tell you. If they don’t, they won’t. Friendly doesn’t mean they want to date you.
  10. That there’s TWO types of guys – one that won’t wait for you and one that will (wait for the one that will) even if it doesn’t work out, he at least respected you
  11. That there are SO many bloody amazing people in this world
  12. That people really DO come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime (if they leave appreciate your time with them, understand what you learned and let it go)
  13. A relationship or fling ends for a reason – NEVER go back (no matter how tempting)
  14. Dates CAN be fun (go on as many as you can)
  15. Sometimes new friends WILL let you down (remember a reason, a season or a lifetime)
  16. That you SHOULD say yes to new adventures (make a list of everything you want to do and tick it off)
  17. That you CAN unashamedly download any song you like – cue Justin Bieber (is it too late now to say sorry!?)
  18. That you SHOULD go out for a dance, even if you’re tired (you’re not going to remember the nights you stayed in when you’re older)
  19. Positive quote books are the BEST (maybe that’s just me?)
  20. You can see WHOEVER you want, whenever you want, without having to factor in another person (can I get an Amen!?)
  21. If you feel like staying out late, guess what, you CAN (no one’s waiting for you at home!)
  22. If you want to move countries tomorrow, you could (perhaps not the wisest of plans, but you COULD)
  23. You can just be YOU (what a wonderful thought that is)
  24. You DON’T have to worry about finding WiFi when you’re overseas to report in
  25. You can do ALL of the things which used to annoy your partner (like apparently driving too quickly in car parks…seriously)
  26. That Vegas is best experienced SINGLE
  27. That being ALONE isn’t boring at all (‘you’ time is the best)
  28. That it’s important to say NO sometimes (if you’re feeling run down from too many adventures, don’t be afraid to give yourself a rest weekend)
  29. That you WILL have to pinch yourself when you look back at all of the incredible moments you’ve experienced being single
  30. Most importantly, that you CAN be happy on your own (who knew!?)

What’s the number one thing you’ve learned while being single?

Follow Carly’s adventures on Instagram: @carlyjoyc https://www.instagram.com/carlyjoyc/

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