A Diagnosis Does not Have to be a Lifelong Sentence

.Love healed my Bipolar Disorder.  Thirty-three years back I gave up drinking alcohol and  medications from a psychiatrist to help my unbalanced life. I had gone for help to leave my past of domestic violence, abandonment, and shamed life as I was living in survival and victimization.

After eighteen years on different prescriptions, my doctor put me on Depakote. I found it was addicting and the withdrawal was the worst of several other withdrawals, through which, I had gone. However, the side effects became worse than the disorder and a friend saw them as disturbing. It was as if I now had Bell’s Palsy or Parkinson’s, too. It was time to stop the pills. This was the worst withdrawal I have ever experienced.

Each day a loving God was like the carrot before the mule. Detoxing took three months. Because I was disoriented, I could not drive, fill out a form, or balance my checkbook. I found that Bipolar Disorder is a way to run away from reality just like drinking. Moreover, medications also drugged me and kept me stuck in my insanity.

It was time to give up my old mind-set from my family of living in a fear-based life of alcoholism and mental illness. My surrender to a caring Higher Power was my answer. I found that wellness is my spiritual inheritance. Love would heal my life.

I humbly asked God to remove my Bipolar Disorder and thanked him for replacing it with His love and grace. In addition, I did many supportive positive actions as meditation that raise my vibrations into a higher consciousness out of the fear and harms of the past.

Flower Essences are pure energy and became essential to support my moving out the old energy. They push out stuck, dark, emotional energy leaving space for loving energy to replace the old trauma, crisis, fear, and other negativity. Over time, I grew into grace, which restored the natural chemical balance in my body. I was not deficient of drugs; I was lacking love as the basis for a balanced life in reality. Accepting a loving basis for my life restored my true chemistry.

With my new way of life, I replaced my old thoughts and behavior to positive responses and faced life’s issues. I had been looking for love in all the wrong places, my husband, job, children, even church. I moved my actions and thinking to respond as if I were in the presence of love.

My chemical balance in my body was restored after I was off the prescriptions and turned a new leaf by focusing on the next right thing in front of me, in its place of reacting in survival. As a substitute for my fear based emotions that I released, I changed it to the benevolent energy of the universe that is within all our hearts. I now projected a positive attitude and felt cheerful emotions.

Living in the presence of love brings peace, happiness, and sanity, which I had not felt before; it felt good. I was a changed person. Asking God daily to guide my thoughts, words, and actions, changes my motivation into sending out loving emotions.

Another practical suggestion is to drink lots of water; this will flush out your system. If you carry a bottle of water, write on paper “Love and Acceptance”, facing the word God, inward for the water to connect with the vibrations of the words. Over time as you drink this water, you will feel more spiritual. Your body is mostly water. In his book, The Hidden Messages in Water,” Dr. Emoto showed in his work with water crystals that we can change water by using positive words on our water. My drinking water then has a new taste and is supportive for a healthy person.

For me, Bipolar Disorder was a lesson to learn to love and forgive others and myself. I am daily thankful for a new healthy life where I love myself and help others. Bipolar Disorder became my gift to learn there is no life sentence, only the opportunity to grow beyond the past into a new life. It is a daily choice to live in reality. Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Health said, “There are in truth no incurable conditions”.

“Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You” is my “ultimate how to” book with the steps to help people overcome their maladies of health, addictions, mental and relationship issues. As an Internationally Board Certified Regressionist, I assist people to find the root cause of any illness or difficulty so it can be replaced with a loving solution. Growing beyond my diagnosis brought the gift of maturity.

Listen August 22, to “Love Never Fails” for the 12 steps I used to heal my Bipolar in more detail.

Tune into Internet radio at boldbravemedia.com  at 6:00PM ET and call in at 866-451-1451.  Archives will be available after the show.

In addition, I am an international author, speaker, consultant, and columnist. My email is marilyn@angelicasgifts.com for psychic readings. My website is angelicasgifts.com. My books are on Amazon.com. My blog is marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com. My 144 lectures, interviews, and spiritual information are on You Tube. I host a call in radio talk show, “Love Never Fails,” every Tuesday afternoon at 6:00 PM ET/3:00PM PT on boldbravemedia.com



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