A Higher Consciousness Allows Love


Enlightenment brings information and understanding through employing the principles of the universe which include honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, brotherly love, perseverance, and service. These principles create higher tempos as joy, peace, and empowerment based in love and light in the highest vibrations of grace.

Negative feelings are lower emotions and positive feelings produce higher consciousness. Living in fear produces emotional insecurity. Therefore, through releasing old beliefs, ideas, and negative emotions, people are raising the planetary energy from a fear-based culture that dominates all parts of lives. This awakening offers the idea that fears need not control our being.

How do you go beyond the ego’s fear? Science says that energy moves. Living in fear produces a feeling of being stuck in a lack of self-worth. Ending the energy drain from your past issues elevates you to a height of God-consciousness, love, or healthy vibrations of well-being. For me spirituality means living in the spirit of love. It is labeled Creator, Creative Forces, or other names from different cultures.

Choosing to replace fear with love is a viable solution. This higher energy creates a new standard in experiencing life. Emotions, vibrations, and energy are different terms for spirit. It is necessary to identify and release the old negative consciousness of energy like an “inner house cleaning” to make space for the positive to fill that void left.

The old passive-aggressive game distracts people from the reality of the love inside. As the lower negative energy leaves your awareness, there now is space to allow positive higher vibrations of love, kindness, and patience to replace the old and rise into higher understanding. Ascending out of the negative denser energy brings joy.

When you let go of the old idea of a punishing deity and negative experiences, the “Presence of love/God” becomes the most important power, the only power, in life. The life giving energy of high emotions nurtures the body as it flows freely as blood moves throughout our physical body.

This vital life force keeps us healthy, sane, and rational. We label our separation from this loving stream through our lives in many terms including health conditions as cancer, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, and more.  Instead of reacting illogically from our old fears, angers, and shame, we respond in loving solutions. This experience allows the love in our hearts to change our lives. . If we are open to accepting the higher power within our hearts to meet our needs, we automatically grow in health and being rational.

The consciousness of earth is returning to a loving planet as it was created. Reducing the influence of the ego and returning to a higher realization is the task. Compassion and love will replace your old feelings as your focus changes. Applying universal principles supports trust in the universe.

Our culture has been taught that we are separated from our eternal and inner goodness. In addition, fear stops our manifesting prosperity that is our birthright. These mistaken beliefs have been perpetuated for centuries. Now we can choose love over fear in your life. Love is the answer. “All we need is love”, becomes real. The spirit of God has always been within, in your heart.

Honesty directly connects you to a positive light energy force, which dispels the darkness of the ego. We enjoy the love of the universe and share this with our neighbors, family, and friends. Sending out loving energy allows it to return to you. Life is about becoming selfless and humble. Faith is powerful; it provides strength in your life for the change.

There is no threat from love. The scariest thing for me was to yield my ego by turning my life and care over to existing in God’s love because I was taught love hurts. I found my decision has demonstrated wonderful rewards. Peace, harmony, and love are flowing back to me. Love your fellows, as yourself becomes a way of life. All there is, is love.

Tune in every  Tuesday afternoon for my live radio show, “Love Never Fails”,  with your questions and to hear exciting cutting edge programs that go beyond  old ideas and understanding at 3:00PM Pacific Time on http://boldbravemedia.com/ and tune in radio, 866-451-1451.  Contact me for a reading at marilyn@angelicasgifts.com

“Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You” is my book that gives the details how to achieve the benefits mentioned in this article. In additions,  my newest book, FINDING REALITY BEYOND FEAR, is now available at Amazon.com.too.  It is my path into being medically free of all prescriptions and abuse and finding the spirit of  love for health, sanity, and happiness. I found that the love within my heart is health. It is an inside job. Love heals: love never fails.

Web site is Angelicasgifts.com

Books at http://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Redmond/e/B0069WIKDC

Blog is marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com

Lectures, interviews, and spiritual information on You Tube at



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