A Two Headed Serpent Rises from The Ground

What a funny situation!  Having scanned the dailies of conflicting information printed on the same page it is no wonder that nobody understands the implications of what BREXIT means and it is not helpful when an ex Prime Minister who had turned his back on the English nation and ran away when it got too hot in the kitchen shall we say, who started the BREXIT debacle in the first place by holding a public referendum when it was not necessary to do so.  It is no good pointing your finger Mr Cameron unless you are standing in front of a mirror!

It was alleged that David Cameron and another member from the Conservative Party tried to persuade or bully the public to vote to stay in, because to say “NO” might mean another war!  I have often thought about “a war with whom?”

Have you noticed that in the alphabet everything stops at the second letter which is “B” – BARCLAY, BARNIER, BELGIUM, BETTEL, BREXIT, BRITISH ISLES and BORIS and it doesn’t help when people like PRIME MINISTER BETTEL OF LUXEMBOURG starts waging a war on words calling BORIS all sorts of nasty and insulting things – obviously not a gentleman with breeding and manners.  Of course it must be an irritation to the BELGIUM nation that monies from the BRITISH might come to an end and other countries might follow suit and I hope they do.

I have always believed that the Conservatives are always good at blaming other people for their mistakes.  It happens so often they should place it in their manifesto and it should have the number one spot with a full stop after it.


……and for my Post Script…..


For the brief time that Conservatives had control of Eastbourne and Willingdon, the Member of Parliament didn’t do much to help anyone living in Eastbourne and District, but was seen in many photographs and at social gatherings and has disappeared off the radar screen altogether, excepting the odd photo in the TORY RAG thrust through our letter box occasionally.


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Just to set the record straight I do not get paid for writing this column – it is for the love of the job and trying to put right the things that are definitely wrong!

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