A Warning from America!

Dave and his cronies have briefed Barack Obama (or should it be BARRACK) and I quote from the dictionary – “his disapproval” if Britain exits from the EU and he also stated on a television interview, that if Britain does come out of Brussels, America won’t do any deals with us and we will be the last in the queue.  It doesn’t say much about the history of the United Kingdom and the United States of America during the last war, our comradeship during a time of world crisis.  This has been shattered and obviously doesn’t mean a thing to Obama,.  He wasn’t even born then, so why should he worry and in view of this this President interfering with our independence of freedom of speech and our decisions of whether we want to stay in or out of Brussels is certainly not up to him.  It works both ways Mr. Obama and it looks as if you and your country are on your own.

I am truly frightened by the way this country is going and with the increasing news regarding our borders being breached by ISIS warriors, there doesn’t seem to be much hope of peace.

Britain having been through two world wars one would think that this reigning Government would know better.  I am of the opinion that building a tunnel to Europe was a mistake and with an estimate of over 300,000 immigrants allowed to come to England each year can only mean trouble with a capital T.

If the vote is against us staying in the EU, I’m sure that Dave and his Cronies will find a way to stay in power to bugger up all the other organisations that they haven’t yet got their grubby little hands on!  We fought two world wars for FREEDOM – What freedom DAVE – you and your cronies have made sure through your actions that we have lost that!


Dr. Beeching had made the biggest mistake by doing away with some of the railway tracks and closing down stations.  Stacking large lorries on a highway doesn’t look a pretty sight and products used to be shunted backwards and forwards by what were commonly known as GOODS TRAINS.  There was no congestion on roads. There must be more money involved with carrying goods by road.  It is sort of going backwards in time.


British Rail in my time of travelling to London each day were always on time and the ticket prices were not exorbitant as they are today.  Now British Rail are going on strike because some idiot has decided not to have guards on trains.  They are essential for safe travelling. It all boils down to MONEY AND GREED.  Trains are late and the Government are foolish enough to pour more of the TAX PAYER’S money into a dead horse like everything else DAVE and his CRONIES think of ways to PENALISE the TAX PAYER.  It is not our fault that the Government are unable to do their job properly.  Take Jeremy Hunt, (somebody take him) absolutely useless, he can’t see the trouble he has caused with our Doctors.  It is not the Doctors’ fault that they have to strike to make their point.  They have placed a new reasonable deal on the table, but the stubbornness of Jeremy Hunt who thinks he knows better won’t budge from his original idea.  Perhaps he’s after a knighthood for being the man that brought down the hospitals in a dispute of his own making.  He’s the real culprit.  If only one could really take him seriously with that all knowing supercilious smirk that is always on his face.  To me he’s just a cartoon character.


No Courtesy


There doesn’t seem to be the same courtesy on the roads these days.  Any time of the day I venture out on the roads, it seems I always find I have a lunatic driver following me.  You can only go as fast as the person who is in front of you and in the 30mph areas, these brain-dead individuals try to tailgate me into going faster.  It won’t work with me, I value my driving licence and if the offending driver wants to kill himself, he can always pass me.  Whether they are young or old in age, these drivers must throw away the Highway Code when they pass their driving test.  It is usually the young who are likely to show off.  The official figures of death on our roads are kept under wraps especially when the driver is young and yet when the driver is older, there seems to be a song and dance about the incident.

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