Acceptance is Powerful

We are indoctrinated to believe that institutions have the right answers and we do not question them, as we might. It is true that once the student is willing the teacher will appear. I was ready for truthful information. Discovering that knowledge from society such as schools, health organizations, governmental laws, and regulations, and even churches, lead me down a path that was not of my choosing, was a big awareness. I was like a puppet and all of these institutions pulled my strings without my realizing it. I was a sheep, a hopeless follower, blindly following on a course.

How do I continue my launching forward instead of going off the cliff as a doomed conformist? “Truth is the most powerful element in the universe. It unlocks the door to understanding and discovering a new world,” said H. P. Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy in 1875. It is time to open Pandora’s Box of denial so the hidden falsehoods can fly out. “Knowing the truth will set you free”.

Recognition, acceptance, declaration, and demonstration are four steps into reality. Recognition of reality is a choice. Seeing the bigger picture of my life put things into perspective. It also shows me where I erred. With honesty and acceptance, I can start to rebuild a real foundation upon which to create a new life.

I was living in “silent desperation”. When I acknowledge this, change happens. Cleaning out the old for new ideas to refill the space is important. A saying goes, “Love is an expression of the willingness to create space in which something is allowed to change.”

When I see myself as not good enough, in lack, or not being safe, I am in denial of the real me. Thinking that it is humble to deny my talents and abilities, I really deny the divinity within. My negative feelings and emotions ran my life. They disconnected me from feeling as if I belonged. When I deny myself, I deny the love within.

Acceptance of truth ends denial. What you resist persists. Resistance to change keeps entrenched people from questioning what we are doing. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It is time to examine my life. Most people are not into self-examining and inquiring. When we decide to move out of our previous thinking, we threaten the status quo.Socrates also said, “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”. Thinking out of the box is scary for many. Opening Pandora’s Box and letting out the old ideas and finding truthful answers is not supported, generally. Therefore, it is significant to find people who support my new ideas and purpose. My friends and career may need to change.

I am powerless when I am in denial. When I allow new concepts into my life, I can change my thinking. Acceptance of these new ideas of truth, places me in power. I become responsible for my life. I create a different reality. I can change my beliefs, actions, and thoughts; therefore, I can change my negative feelings. Old feelings can change and pass thereby allowing space for good feelings to fill the new void. “This too shall pass” is a popular saying. Over time, continuing my self-analysis becomes necessary to grow into maturity.

Often, it takes a crisis to stop and scrutinize situations and then determine the wisest solution. During a manic drive home from a vacation, my irate husband brought a decision that I needed help, if I were to arrive home alive. Instinctively I knew I had to take some action. This crisis precipitated my prayer for God to help me. I realized at last that I had to break the old cycle of my not taking responsibility for my life.

Being honest with me made it obvious that my old thinking was irrational. It had to be, how else could I justify my old behavior? If you read a dictionary definition of rationalization, you will find that rationalization is giving a socially acceptable reason for socially unacceptable behavior and socially unacceptable behavior is a form of insanity.

It was time to choose a loving spirit of the universe for my focus and care. Relying on spiritual support instead of a husband, others, places, and material things as money, brought strength, confidence, and courage upon which I could finally build a real life. I needed to rely on a higher power to take care of me as I moved into the adventure of a new life. Surprisingly, my new path appeared. I found a sincere desire for open-mindedness, honesty, and willingness to change. I had been spiritually bankrupt and now I wanted a conscious connection to my higher power. I accepted that my will was not working.

Now, I know the highest desire of the soul is to experience unconditional love, the presence of God. As human beings, we frequently do not think that we are loved. These old feelings and emotions get in the way of accepting our inheritance of unconditional love. Today, feelings are a guide and feedback, so I can course correct my life and feel good. Love never fails.

My choice is to grow beyond my childish reactions into a life where I respond in maturity to life’s challenges. I tell myself each day that I accept the perfect love of God and I am dearly loved. This brought a sense of assurance and self-reliance to live a new life dependent on the love of the universe. In addition, each morning, I choose to turn in all things to the Father of Light. My book, “Paradigm Busters Reveal the Real You” has the steps sharing how I am transforming my life.

Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT can help you find health, happiness and prosperity, too. She is a spiritual counselor, internationally board-certified regressionist, hypnotist, author, teacher, speaker, and medium. In addition, she gives readings and is an ordained minister for spiritual healing. Marilyn’s 10 books are at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel. Check her website, . / Her 172 videos on You Tube at, and her blog at Contact her at

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