Anyone For Tennis!

I never thought I would see the day when Wimbledon became a bit silly by hyping up two tennis players, albeit they are the numbers one and two tennis players in the world. Before seeing the final game I was experiencing two hooded super fit human beings leaping, jumping, climbing, somersaulting in the air and standing on their hands in the final scene and when they took off their hoods – they were Djokovic and Federer. Three times they showed this film to fill in the gaps of their commentators’ comments who were asked who was likely to win. How long is a piece of string?

Wimbledon doesn’t need all this trivia as the name Wimbledon signifies what is the best in British Sport. Let’s keep it simple in 2016!

Brussels’ Sprouts

It seems we have two Governments that we need to bow our heads to. Brussels has a say on how we fill our dustbins and if we don’t put the right rubbish in the right bin, we are to be fined. Also if we don’t recycle paper, cardboard, tins, bottles and etc, we could also find ourselves on the end of a lawsuit, culminating in a prison sentence or heavy fine. We British fought many wars to become a free nation, but as time marches on this modern society of ours becomes more ridiculous than ever.

Should we have built the Channel Tunnel?

We used to be a island and we were safe from all what is happening today, but our Government being what it is, decreed we should become part of Europe and quite frankly, all it has brought us is grief and many immigrants dying to get to the United Kingdom are literally dying on the way.

Is the Government lacking in Stacking?

All this chat about how to relieve the “Stacking problem on the M20” – if their was a “Pot of Gold” at the end, the MP’s would be fighting to solve the problem in an instant, but like everything that is important, they tend to drag their feet. What must the drivers of all vehicles be feeling when day after day nothing is resolved together with the villages cut off from civilisation because of lorries blocking the way? There must be lots of people waiting to go to hospital and the ladies having to worry whether their baby will be born in a wayside parking lot.   D.C. and his comic party have a lot to answer for and already a vote of no confidence has been registered. There are too many large lorries on our highways. When the trains took the strain of shifting goods from one part of the country to another area of the country it was a lot safer on our roads for a family to drive on. No more can one drive out in the countryside for a spin, without the maniac who wants to go faster than the restricted mileage of 30 mph.

News from Eastbourne

The new Sainsburys that has been plonked down in Victoria Drive, Old Town has by design made it a road hazard for people driving along Victoria Drive, when shoppers, who are impatient drivers leaving the parking area try to push forward into the mainstream of the traffic flow. Also the Zebra Crossing needs to be moved as this has now proved to be dangerous for both pedestrians and drivers who can be unsighted if someone crosses without waiting for traffic to brake safely. It is an accident waiting to happen

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