BA i360 Versus The Arches – Brighton

Forty six million pounds so that you can view Brighton from the air – you could do it by taking a plane ride at less the cost, that’s if you are really keen to see Brighton from above.  Just thinking out loud 46 million would go a long way to repair the crumbling Victorian Arches along Brighton Beach Front.

The Brighton Council are in a dilemma so it was reported as it will take away the ratepayers fag and ale money for the Council’s money box to be filled up to the tune of £100,000,000 to repair Brighton’s Victorian iconic arches.  Pity they didn’t think about which was more important to the Brighton populace.

Knowledge of the crumbling arches have been on the Brighton Council’s books for ages and long before this eyesore on the Brighton beach that hasn’t worked all that well with teething problems of being stuck half way up for two hours with 200 persons on board.  Three times the observation tower got stuck and had to be closed down.  I just hope they have more than one toilet on board especially if 200 persons get stuck halfway up!

I’m not a stick-in-mud sort of person but I do believe in backing things that matter and quite frankly this  Observation Tower at Brighton is a waste of Tax payers money and the range of ticket prices are quite high to view Brighton from the air, especially just buildings and the sea – not really that exciting is it?

It seems that all Councils want to build “White Elephants” and they plead poverty when it comes to more important things that are essential.  Have you noticed they always seem to have enough money to give themselves a hefty pay rise, but never enough to make a difference to the people who have to put up with how bad all the pavements and roads are as far as safety is concerned.

I know I keep harping on about our roads and pavements and all this falls on deaf ears, but as a driver on Eastbourne roads, most of them are really awful and in my car as well as having the usual camera at the rear for parking I have had a camera fitted at the front and rear for the inevitable road incident but also every time one of my wheels leaves the ground – hence a hole in the road the camera registers this by flashing a yellow or red light on my dashboard that determines how severe the damaged road is and also the car camera jingles because it thinks I have had a crash.  This happens three or four times in any direction on Eastbourne roads.  Of course the only way to judge how bad the pavements are means that a pedestrian ends up in hospital.

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