Back Boris for Brexit Plus Bercow – “Order!” “Order!” (BOO!)

I always thought the person chosen as Prime Minister by a majority of his members was a sign that he would be the person to deliver Brexit and yet his members along with other parties seem bent on stopping Brexit happening!

To the reader of this column it looks like a “TOPSY TURVEY WORLD” and we as a nation cannot understand this anomaly so how can we expect foreigners to know.

The people of Brussels must be laughing all the way to the bank as the promise of 33 Billion sterling is the divorce bill and with no promises of a deal it doesn’t seem to ring true for what every British Citizen living in England was hoping for when they voted to leave the E.U.   Although there is even some more startling, sinister and revealing news about the settlement of 33 Billion that most likely turn into 100 Billion because the longer Brexit is on the boil, the divorce bill will escalate according to my research into this matter which can’t be for the good of us who pay taxes.  Of course if anybody knows how to be exempt from paying tax – pass it on!

Can we TAX PAYERS afford having this present Government who are clinging to the top of their fences so that they can jump down and vote against Brexit.  It’s almost, perish the thought, as if it was being done on purpose and someone has alleged to me something that I can’t actually print in this report because it is too damaging to individuals of the Conservative and Labour Party even to think about!

(But I have heard Pigs do fly occasionally).

The Speaker of the House of Parliament has a lot to say and seems to rule as if in the role of Prime Minister.  I think he should stick to his script of   “Order!”  “Order!”  Instead of making up the rules as he goes along – perhaps he’s the enemy within the Conservative Party and perhaps he voted to stay – A REMAINER IN DISGUISE!

The Speaker of the House should be unbiased on all subjects discussed and take questions by other members which they answer through him to other Members of Parliament.  His high and mighty stance seems unlike any other Speaker who has held that office before and he seems to claim his importance to the House of Parliament far beyond and into the realms of fantasy!

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Just to set the record straight I do not get paid for writing this column – it is for the love of the job and trying to put right the things that are definitely wrong!

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