Becoming More Visible: Empowering Entrepreneurial Women to Step into the Spotlight

As entrepreneurial women, being visible is crucial to building a successful business and establishing ourselves as leaders in our field. However, there are times when I really don’t want to show up.

I want to stay on my sofa, watching crap TV, with a facemask on.

Can you relate?

Sometimes we just don’t want to be visible. But sometimes, the fears and worries about showing up and being seen run deeper.

Here are four powerful tools to help you overcome your blocks and embrace visibility.

Embrace Self-Compassion

As an entrepreneurial woman, it is important to remember that it is okay to not feel confident all the time. Self-compassion is key in understanding that occasional reluctance is natural and does not define your worth or capabilities. Instead of beating yourself up, practice self-compassion by acknowledging your emotions and giving yourself grace. Remember, your journey to visibility is a process, and it is essential to be kind to yourself along the way.

Identify Your Visibility Blocks

Understanding the reasons behind your reluctance to be visible is crucial to overcoming barriers. Take the time to reflect and explore any beliefs or fears that may be holding you back. It could be concerns about physical appearance, changing body image, or simply feeling off on certain days. By identifying these visibility blocks, you can address them more effectively and find strategies to navigate through them.

Cultivate Inner Confidence

Showing up confidently is about more than just appearances; it is about nurturing a deep belief in your own abilities. Recognise that your worth extends far beyond physical appearance. It lies in your unique skillset, knowledge, and expertise. Focusing on building your inner confidence will enable you to step into the spotlight authentically. Seek support, whether through mindset exercises, personal development resources, or working with a visibility coach. By cultivating inner confidence, you will be able to show up and shine brightly.

Establish Consistent Visibility Practices

Consistency is key to maintaining visibility and momentum in your entrepreneurial journey. Establishing regular visibility practices will help you show up consistently and engage with your target audience. Whether it is through social media, speaking engagements, or networking events, create a plan that aligns with your business goals and your preferred method of visibility. By consistently being visible, you create a buzz around yourself and your business, attracting opportunities and building relationships that contribute to your growth.

Becoming more visible may feel challenging at times, but it is a crucial step towards achieving your goals. 

If you’d like to discover the first 7 steps I share with my clients to help them to be authentically visible using their Human Design, download your free Illuminate From Within eBook now

About Abigail Rebecca.

Abigail Rebecca, The Visibility Goddess, is a Human Design Visibility Mentor, International Speaker and Thought Leader on Aquarian Age femme leadership.

Based on 28 years experience of coaching and mentoring thousands of women leaders in Fortune 500 companies and in her successful coaching business, she’s created the tried and trusted Illuminate Method™. It helps you align your biz strategy to your unique Human Design, to Create Extraordinary Success With Ease.


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