An episode in the long running farce “The Brexit Game”

Will Boris do the Brexit Deal on the 31st October 2019?  The nation is on the edge of their seats!  Waiting! Waiting! Waiting!  One of the most peculiar statements made by BORIS is “I’d rather be dead in a ditch than delay BREXIT!”  Whichever way he turns could mean his political suicide according to his opposing Members of Parliament.

At least Mrs Theresa May was called Prime Minister and acted sensibly and honoured the title, whereas Boris is the most unlikely leader of the Conservatives as could possibly be and has walked into the LION’S DEN to become Prime Minister with a sprinkling of ideas that he could solve the BREXIT GAME.

But what of the rest of the world who are tuned into this long running Government known as the Conservatives who thought about ending austerity because they were hoping for a General Election to come along and save them?– giving millions of pounds to all the important services that they had during their nine years of governing that the government had taken away in the first place as the Labour Shadow Chancellor had pointed out.  The Conservatives might have thought or hoped that the nation had short memories but I am pleased that the list of wrong decisions that this Government has made in nine years of misrule has not gone unnoticed.

The knock on affect the Conservatives cuts had on all the local County Councils were all unnecessarily bogus and placed people in danger through lack of care facilities, lack of policing our streets, lack of hospital treatments and now they hope to redeem their popularity by making or re-instating some of the damage they have done – but it is too little, too late by my reckoning.

The Conservatives are the richest political party in this country and their millionaire backers are the prime suspects of ruining this country because of their greed for getting something for nothing.  It’s always been the case of the more money you have – you always want more and I ask the question – WHY?

Perhaps all moneybag guzzlers could do the country some good by backing good causes that mean something – but knowing the people with pound signs in their eyes they will back the Conservatives and become part of the laughing stock – Hyena’s on two legs and the meaning of such an animal is a hysterical scavenger!

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Just to set the record straight I do not get paid for writing this column – it is for the love of the job and trying to put right the things that are definitely wrong!


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