Promises! Promises!  It’s always the same story with Conservatives – I think they would sell their own soul to the DEVIL to become leader of the CONSERVATIVES!   Where have I heard all this before – if the Conservatives honoured all their promises we would have been a far better country than we are now and I have heard a lot of excuses as to why they couldn’t keep the promises.  Anyone can make promises and it was apparent that nobody had done the homework to make these RASH PROMISES work.  I think the Government treat people of this country as if they were all children and didn’t understand even the basic rule of thumb that the government had made up to suit their own needs.

BORIS PROMISES 20,000 more police and I bet your bottom dollar that doesn’t happen and some lame and feeble excuse will tumble out of his mouth – Perhaps if the Government hadn’t reduced the police force in the first place, there wouldn’t have been any necessity to promise this and besides there are more serious issues that need to be rectified by this so-called Government. We need 100,000 more Bobbies on the Beat to combat the crime that is going on now – I think I can use the word Rampantly and an unsuspecting spokesperson from the police force speaking to a member of the public has let the cat out of bag by stating that Eastbourne Police are just chasing knife crimes.

As far as BREXIT is concerned, apart from being an on-going farce from the child-like minds of the Conservatives, I understood from one of the Belgium Negotiators that all the talking had been done and the deal on the table which Theresa May had produced – so what miracle is Boris going to perform to make it any different, I wonder or was it really just a ploy to get rid of Theresa May – of course it was?

It has been alleged to me that most items are stolen to order and this has been going on for some time and I know that ABBEY ROAD has had its share of the SCUMBAGS or putting it another way the DREGS of our society operating in that area.  If they can find a loophole in doing what they think is clever and profit making and they will make no distinction between young or old which is most despicable of all.  The COWARDS of this land beat up the most vulnerable people and sometimes at knife-point.

I contacted the Office of the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner regarding three issues happening in Eastbourne almost two weeks ago and I have just received a negative answer from that office.  They are unable to answer my enquiry and it seems to me that no-one wants the responsibility or are capable of giving an answer in case it goes pear-shaped.

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Just to set the record straight I do not get paid for writing this column – it is for the love of the job and trying to put right the things that are definitely wrong!

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