Can food really influence our fertility?

1 in 7 couples are now faced with infertility and there is a growing body of evidence to suggest fertility is declining.

But can our food really help? The evidence says yes!! Our diet can influence fertility on a number of different levels from egg and sperm quality, to thickness of the womb lining, to hormone production, to supporting ovulation and progesterone levels which is key to sustaining a pregnancy.

The Mediterranean Diet has always been known for its benefits for cardiovascular and mental health and when we look over to that part of the world we can see the people thriving and living with positivity and vitality. It is  now also the most researched diet to support fertility outcomes. One study concluded “Greater adherence to the MedDiet…..was associated with a higher likelihood of achieving clinical pregnancy and live birth among non-obese women.”

So why the Mediterranean Diet? Some key features of the Mediterranean Diet help support fertility in the following ways:

Omega 3 rich foods: such as oily fish including wild caught salmon, nuts and seeds and olive oil all have a positive impact on fertility owing to their anti-inflammatory nature which is particularly important in conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis. Omega 3s are needed to support the endometrial lining and for men in supporting sperm health in a number of parameters including count, motility and morphology. Omega 3’s are an integral part of all cell walls which is particularly important for egg health as they help to keep them supple to allow for easy penetration of sperm. The body cannot make these essential fatty acids and so they must be consumed through the diet.

Protein: including eggs, chicken, fish, beans and pulses are all essential for growth and repair and this is also true of egg and sperm.  Robust eggs play an essential role in conception.

Anti-oxidants: found in all the brightly coloured fruits and vegetables as well as green tea and cacao help to counter oxidative damage which can be a factor particularly with maternal and paternal aging and with modern day lifestyles and toxin exposure. Fruits and vegetables also contain compounds called polyphenols which help to keep our gut bugs happy. Gut bugs play a vital role in many processes in our body from vitamin production to energy and in our fertility and hormonal balance.

Wholegrains: such as quinoa, brown rice, lentils and oats help to keep blood sugar levels stable via increased fibre intake also needed for healthy gut function needed to eliminate used up hormones.

Conversely to this, what the Mediterranean Diet does not feature is processed and high fat foods, which are inflammatory and can strip us of essential nutrients. The essence of the diet is to eat whole foods in their natural untouched form.

The evidence is there and eating this way can only be beneficial for overall health as well as the added bonus of supporting fertility and future health of our babies. Give it a go for three to six months before trying or even if you are having IVF treatment and see if your life changes for the better!!


Written by Richa Puri,   Resident Pharmacist and Specialist Fertility Nutritional Therapist at The Fertility Nutrition Centre

About the Fertility Nutrition Centre

The Fertility Nutrition Centre was launched this year by fertility expert Sandra Greenbank. The fertility industry is unregulated and the website is  a safe space for couples to visit and gain advice and seek a trusted nutritionist who has trained directly with Sandra.  Sandra has herself been a Fertility Practitioner for over 11 years and has helped hundreds of couples through their fertility journey.   Each nutritionist listed with the Fertility Nutrition Centre website has trained directly with Sandra.  Her course is taken by registered nutritionists and includes 12 pillars within the area of fertility and takes a year to complete.  Once successfully completed the course, graduates are invited to join the Centre.

About Richa Puri

Resident Pharmacist and Specialist Nutritional Therapist. Richa Puri is a qualified Specialist Fertility Nutritional Therapist and Clinical Pharmacist working with couples who are trying to have a baby naturally or are going through the IVF journey.

My work in nutritional therapy and functional medicine looks to treat the root cause of disease. For fertility, this can be a number of different aspects: nutrient deficiencies, thyroid problems, unbalanced hormones, immune system dysfunctions, gut issues, stress and more.

I have helped couples trying to conceive naturally, those going through IVF, women on egg freezing journeys, women on single parenting journeys, PCOS and endometriosis, male infertility, secondary and unexplained infertility and those with history of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies.




PMID: 27994040

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