A Hundred Million Pounds Wasted

A hundred million reasons why building a short road between Hastings and Bexhill is unnecessary!  First…

Too Little – Too Late

How often have we heard the above phrase – probably on every subject you can name! …

New Year’s Resolution?

I have come to the same conclusion this year as I did this time last year…

New Year Promises

What New Year resolutions are you going to make? Give up smoking, not an easy resolution…

Heavy on the (Ear) Drums

Why is it that every time and it doesn’t matter whether you attend an amateur or…

Marjorie Proops Syndrome

I started out this morning writing my column when I became aware that I had become…

Fracking Financial Flop

Just think thousands and possibly millions of pounds have been spent on security at Fracking sites…

A Special Appeal by Stephen Lloyd M.P.

Dear Gregory I have been absolutely horrified to see the appalling tragedy that is happening on…