Community Support Homeless

The local community are pulling out all the stops to support homeless people this Christmas. Fundraisers from Worthing Churches Homeless Projects were busy collecting donations on Thursday. First stop was Symmonds & Reading the Estate Agents in Chatsworth Road who had been collecting warm coats, jumpers and sleeping bags in the office and encouraging their customers to donate. The team presented a huge pile to Worthing Churches Homeless Projects who were thrilled to be able to stock up their Day Centre supplies with much needed warm clothing.clothes colleciton

Later on in the day two of the team visited Chatsmore Catholic High School who had baked and beautifully decorated festive cupcakes for the hostels as well as package up gift bags for residents. PR & Fundraising Manager Sue Stevens said: ‘The children had taken so much care to individually decorate their cakes and their gift bags making them a really personalised gift.’

Over the Christmas period Worthing Churches Homeless Projects will feed 58 people in their hostels each night and up to 20 people at St Clare’s Day Centre for a Christmas lunch on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. There will also be a Christmas meal held at the Littlehampton Breakfast Club. Community Fundraiser,Rachel Blair said: ‘these gifts from local companies and schools make all the difference at this time of year. We are only able to give each client a Christmas gift bag because of the donations the community so generously give. The coats and jumpers are much needed as even with the night shelter running, if people are out and about in the day they need warm, dry layers. It is very humbling to see how generous people can be, not just at Christmas but throughout the year and we really are so grateful’.christmas lunch

If you would like to find out more of get involved with the charity please visit or email

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