Cost of Living Crisis!

I am just wondering what goes through the minds of the Advertisers when they are allowed to browbeat the public with their constant bombardment of their products with the promise of taking off a percentage of the said article they are trying to flog!  We all know that shops and stores have to make a living but out there in this living world there are people living in shop doorways and on hard, cold pavements, namely the homeless!  The other sectors are people with homes who are trying their hardest to make a comfortable living, by making what they earn stretch a little further.


Local Councils who are probably, in some cases, sleeping partners or shareholders are not making it easy for those trying their hardest not to become criminals of injustice made by others of authority who don’t have to think about those experiencing starvation to name but one problem by putting up prices.  Maybe another hidden tax to be introduced after the festivities!

One of our government statements always tends to confuse my mind:- “How raising interest rates helps to fight inflation and high prices.”  Surely a mismatch of words!


When my wife and I set up a new home 48 years ago, the bank rate was round about 11%.  Whether it was the pound that was worth nearer to the pound than it does today, who knows? When the Government was allowed by law to go decimal (and who makes the laws, guess who?) The division of 10% in the pound or putting it another way, only ten tens equal a pound was made and prices soared.  This was in some way, another rise.


Has anybody noticed that when something is passed by this Government which will help the peoples of this land, it is always in SIX or even NINE MONTHS in the future, but if its something to benefit the Government it is always instant and so by the time you have paid the GOVERNMENT that extra, you will get it back in SIX or NINE MONTHS TIME, because it is your money.  The GOVERNMENT are not giving you anything extra – you’ve paid for it and you never knew!


The East Sussex County Council in charge of filling all the POTHOLES and LEVELLING THE PAVEMENTS haven’t been very busy. I can see only two places where roads have improved.  Victoria Drive is like driving over Rocky Mountains!  I wonder what fantastic excuses they are going to come up with this time.  More and more people are having to visit EDGH or some other far flung hospital for treatment for injuries sustained by these heartless Councillors who are failing to do what they are paid to do to protect the public.



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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