
A cycle is described by professors, sages and “good old google” as an interval of time where an event, regularly repeated, becomes a happening or sequence of events. This is often in a weekly or monthly cycle, so female readers will probably be much more aware of this, and have somewhat stronger views, but as I’m only a mere male even “I” am not going into that.
A year, seasons of life, and our own existence cycle of birth, growth and death also illustrate this cycle pattern, but HEY don’t die yet as there is much more to read here, and I would hate you to miss out and thus have a “short circuit” cycle. Did you see what I did there? But not to worry as it amused little ol’ me.
Right so then on to complete my monthly article cycle, well it almost is as I don’t publish exactly on a monthly basis to a recurrent date, but here is my latest offering on a “cycle”.
Well one of the definitions I saw about “cycle” was “a series of poems in same theme” and as I always “pepper” my articles with poems to the title theme I just might squeeze into that definition, but NO and quite frankly I don’t want to as for 1) I don’t intend to “fit” with my poems to any “form” and 2) As a “philosophical, varied and far reaching poet” (quotes), I’m happy to be that bit random, so watch this space for maybe a mention of you!

My first poem though does follow my theme a bit, so from my 2nd book comes “Round Trip”..

Round Trip

Time moves on and passes by
As I look back down the years,
To see good times and heartache
But a lot more fun than tears.

We can’t always control our lives
And why our world has cracked,
But your manner and character
Are judged by how you react!

So looking back with a sadness
At the times you regret or lost,
Will only waste and frustrate
Time you already want to accost.

Thus best to count your blessings
And good things that you’ve got,
For even if you’re struggling by
To many others you’ll have a lot.

Time moves on and passes by
As I look back down the years,
To see good times and heartache
But a lot more fun than tears.

Of course trials and tribulations
Can easily make you go insane.
But when I’m due to pass away,
Please can I go round again?

Well that was a sort of cycle, but what are your ideas and thoughts on a cycle? Answers then on the proverbial postcard, on here, my contacts or just ignore the question and don’t bother as will go in the “almost completed cycle”, but I digress!
Another type of cycle today is the “re cycle” of rubbish, plastic, waste etc that pressure groups and conservationists warn damage our world. This is heard in various degrees of interest, concern, determination or just plainly ignored by some people and areas of the world.
I must admit to having become almost paranoid and obsessed with my re cycling at home, and regularly move rubbish from one bin to another if wrongly placed, not that I’m a great “Eco Warrior” just that I think if we all do our little bit it must help.

Another poem then and has to be in just for the title, but what do you think? From my book 3, “Reviews of Life in Verse” comes my poem “Recycle Plant”..

Recycle Plant

Zooming round his treadmill
Hammy the hamster went,
It seems he really likes it
For that’s how his time is spent.
Though for all his frantic efforts
He doesn’t get too far in life,
But is this so much different
From many peoples world of strife?

Rushing off through their day
Crowds of people in a dash,
Getting nowhere, trying hard
To earn that bit of extra cash.
And though their chaotic world
Doesn’t have the hamsters bars,
It’s really not so different
As getting gridlocked in their cars!

And so in our world of wonder
We can fly to our heart’s desire,
But many peoples bland routine
Ensures entrapment in their mire.

Thus in cages without walls
Moaning folk are sat restrained,
With all their thoughts of freedom
Yet no real effort is maintained.
For it’s so easy to talk of flight
With feet planted on the ground,
Meaning that no escape or joy
From their boring world is found!

So some people get caught up in a self and perpetuating cycle in their lives, but “Hey Ho” if they are happy surely that’s fine, and of course it is, but ARE they? Don’t worry though, just me being my questioning poet type again, so no concerns!

Another cycle is of course the common push bike, or not so common and simple if ridden by the real enthusiasts with goggles, helmets, luminous tops and often the (much too) tight fitting clothing which leave very little hiding places and some lumps and bumps as well.
Other more regularly dressed people ride bikes, and often the nature of cyclists and motorists brings about altercations, and seemingly on the rise, pedestrians/cyclist collisions and arguments too as pavements are frequently busy highways now it seems, but maybe that is another cycle?

Poem 3 and from my very first book Poetic Views of Life that was published just about 5 years ago now. This poem is called “Wandering Within” and has a sort of cycle theme, or does it?

Wandering Within

I have been to another place
Crossed the line and dared to see,
What other shapes and pictures there
Would have in store for me.
But when you start to wander off,
Turn from the beaten track,
You may return from another path
And are never truly back.
It’s hard to tell when you go away
If you come back to the start,
For you can be around in flesh
But not with all your heart.

So in the small hour of the dark
And eerie sounds of dawn,
Ghostly figures, words and thoughts
Emerge to mock and fawn.
Are you happy and at hearts rest
Not to change the things that past,
And would you still be where you are
After your choice is cast?
But hindsight is a wondrous thing
It can make all gambles right,
So we must make our peace within
Without the gift of second sight!

If you can excuse the semi unintended pun, we have gone round in an almost full circle, and by wondrous coincidence or fantastic planning THAT is the title of my final poem, “Full Circle” so without further ado, here it is……

Full Circle

Some things in life are pre ordained
As we’re put on earth without a vote,
And only accident of birth
Will decree the make up of your coat.
The fine fabric of affluent families
Or threadbare rags of the poor.
Whatever manner we are born to,
We will all die, that’s for sure.

So then it comes to the middle bit
Between our birth and death.
Our screaming arrival in the world,
And then our last rasping breath.
How then will we make out
And deal with life’s many tests?
Working as hard as we can,
But in between having rests.

For all work is not a good thing
Neither is it to be totally lax,
So we must have moderation
Before our credibility cracks.

Enjoy each moment of this time
For to waste it is a crime,
So no moaning or cursing luck
As very quick we can come unstuck,
Regretting the things we didn’t do
In courageous moments, so very few.
Then all too soon you’re at that gate,
Where all hopes may evaporate.

So back we go to our birth,
Entering the world without a clout.
And after all that worried strife,
We will still take nothing out.

That poem comes from my 4th book and concludes this latest offering, so until next month take care, be safe and watch out for cycles of both two wheeled and time period types!

All six of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse &
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
And NOW my sixth book =
Poet Reveals All (in your world).

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new and sixth book, bigger still is £9.99. and all are for sale on Amazon, book stores or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- please sign/join up absolutely free.


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