DECEIT, (pass if you feel uneasy?)

Deceit is defined as concealing or misrepresenting the truth, which I assume includes lying, duplicity and covert behaviour to achieve these deceitful acts. That sounds very ugly, but I guess to a smaller or larger degree it happens a fair bit in life, and perhaps sometimes for not just the unpleasant reasons, but you can decide. Maybe you have deceived or had deception visited upon you?

Sir Walter Scott penned these well known (well once,) words in his poem entitled Marmion, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”, so deceit then, and as those lines succinctly put, explain the accompanying forest of lies and secrecy of deceit, because certainly one small lie will grow and lead to others trying to cover the first lie, much as Pinnochio’s nose did in the well loved children’s fairy tale of the same name, when he continued to lie!
So any deception will have to go on and grow, with more lies ensuring there is no easy way back and the person doing the deceiving will probably exhibit unusual behaviour, frequently becoming more furtive and perhaps irrational in their presentation too.

When looking at all my poems (nearly 500 written in six years now), to decide which best fitted the theme to include as usual, I seemed to have a big choice, although a few did, none covered it exactly, but see what you think as I start off with this poem from my3rd book…

Betrayal of Beliefs

Limping slowly the withered man
Wears an agonised expression,
His many years and heavy heart
Now reap a harvest of depression.

Once when young, so full of hope
He felt he could move a mountain,
Though now in his twilight time
Bitter tears flow like a fountain.

For time will wreak aches and pains
Cruelly on a once strong frame,
Though an inner sorrow’s echo
Makes him recognise his shame.
For his firm views and beliefs
Held so unshakeable and strong,
Have mockingly crushed his resolve
When he found that they were wrong!

With betrayals of his sacrifices
Lost to others sins and crimes,
Who in retreat left him to explain
And pay for their sordid times.
For mankind will never squander
Any chance to condemn and curse,
The unfortunate of injustices when
Others wrongdoing is much worse.

Thus our scapegoat must struggle on
Too late in life to make amends,
For the wasted time and indignities
Caused by his so called friends!

Well as I often say with my articles, that has got us off to a good opening, and on deceit this time, but whilst interesting it certainly won’t include all of us, unless we truthfully answered my posed question at the start?
Best we not dwell on that, though it makes me recall one of the many great sayings my wonderful mum used to say, “well I’ll believe you, but thousands wouldn’t”.
Another poem then and this is from my fourth book:-

Profit and Loss

It’s said that cheats don’t prosper
But I’m not so sure that’s true,
For some nasty people seem to win
Whatever evil that they do.

So unperturbed they continue
To sneak a bit here and there,
And sometimes more than a little
Not that they seem to care.

Mind, some profiteering is legal
As with “Bankers” and their perks.
Risking our money for their gains
Within strange law that lurks
Beneath the light of decency,
As becomes the common man,
Who prefers to do a good job
For fair pay if he can.

But more insidious are the people
Who know just what they do,
Cheating and lying without remorse
That always baffles me and you.
So as we watch these villains
Rarely work but take hand outs.
And seem to have no conscience,
Any qualms, or uneasy doubts.

Though I, amongst many others
Watch with frustration at the trend.
To cheat whenever possible, though,
We hope evil loses out in the end!

Fairly heavy stuff then, but is it unfair?
Possibly a bit but I have “poetic licence” so will offer up my thoughts and you can pick them up and agree, discard them or maybe not even bother to read them, which of course will have absolutely nothing to do with any “nerves touched”, guilty conscience or uncomfortable memories will it? For that is what “philosophical and socially aware” (quoted at me) poets set out to do! Not for you? Don’t worry about it then, but possibly denial and deceit can go hand in hand…

Perhaps you may agree with this next poem then, or like a “defensive batsman” DUCK, well hope you score more than that…..

Better or Worse

The years that pass will change us all
For many better ways, some worse.
Struggling through life’s many trials
We will be tested, chapter and verse.

People we meet in life may cheat
And not turn out as we perceived,
But if we challenge or call them out
They’ll protest, and be aggrieved.
For we’ve not measured up for them
All they needed to take from us,
Thus we must stand there as accused
Denied speech, or to make a fuss!

So the time that’s passing changes all
But if faltering we can be condemned.
Though our good points are overlooked
And our errors we did not amend.

Many disputes are caused by love
And disagreements as to who is best.
So friendships that stood many years
Will struggle to survive this test!

If someone once close can succeed
When your friend and mate just fails,
A jealousy and sourness may arise
So friendship poisoned, just derails.

Our money is a tricky source of change
When wasted, stolen, lost or gained.
For everyone could make their pile
And those who didn’t, say they refrained
To take the opportunities that they had
Because to achieve all is so simple,
Though of course didn’t take their chance
So hate disfigures, like a rash or pimple.

Thus life will salute all those who stand
Unbeaten, without change, so sincere,
Through all ravages of life upon them.
But maybe not so good as they appear.
For little temptations may have wrought
Some small dents in their gold exterior!
And denied too vigorously if not true
Prove that they actually are inferior!
So I am really getting into the groove now, and maybe you are still with me, for I firmly believe the decent and honest people by far outnumber the “not so”, but of course don’t get such notable recognition, thus my fairly, (o k very) strong views as expressed, aim to correct any unfavourable balance which may have ricocheted onto the devout and unquestionable. If so and they are thus, not much harm done then…..
That was a reasonably quick examination of deceit and its effect on other people, and as alluded to earlier even the deceivers themselves. Though I am pretty sure that most people will have their own views, experiences, and most likely the fall outs and relationship problems and endings that will ensue. How long ago and what was the result of any of yours?
A little peep behind my mask coming up then with this poem from my very first book, and written many years after one of the sickest and depraved acts of deceit and betrayal I have come across really, and was selfishly and obscenely done to quite a few decent people, families and a much loved soul only just departed when the betrayal was committed!

Miss Judas Regrets

Through all childhoods carefree time
There had been no need to grieve,
Until the time my world was rocked
And you picked that time to leave.

You had sought to be with me
Until I finally went along,
Enjoying all those happy times
When we sang each others songs.

Everyday was a sunshine time
More than the world could know,
But then for me a tragic loss
That was when you chose to go.

Our love was feeling autumn’s chill
Though we tried to keep it heated,
Until our loss gave you a chance
And very soon you cheated,
On everything we’d said and done
And every human trait,
You crossed the line of decency
And went to a traitor’s gate.

The betrayal wrought by Judas
In that cruel Gethsemane,
Was foul and sickly sordid
Just as you did for them and me.

But I am born of stoic roots
Though stunned I still stood firm,
Enough to pour contempt on you
And see you fawn and squirm.

Through all childhoods carefree time
There had been no need to grieve,
Until the time my world was rocked
And you picked that time to leave.

I wondered just how you could live
So close to your betrayal
Until your shame caused you to run
With your gutless twisted male,
Who somehow had defied the loss
Of one he should have cherished.
But together with your sick sad act
Ensured your souls perished.


Strong words and dirty deeds then, and maybe you will need to see my very first book entitled “Poetic Views of Life” to find out what went on, but meanwhile I will end now and wish you a deceit free future, or maybe if you are involved in such an act, a hope that it will all end well! Of course it will because it always does doesn’t it? Readers please note my mixture of cynicism, irony, sardonic humour and a revelation that of course it won’t end well…

Cheers, Laurie

All six of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse &
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
And NOW my sixth book =
Poet Reveals All (in your world).

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new and sixth book, bigger still is £9.99. and all are for sale on Amazon, book stores or from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- please sign/join up absolutely free.


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