Donated Coral Reef Fish Get New Home at Aquarium

A group of exotic tropical marine fish are settling in to a new home at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium after being donated by a member of the public.

A total of 10 fish, including the species which inspired the character of ‘Dory’ from ‘Finding Nemo’, has gone on display at the Rock-a-Nore Road attraction.

As well as ‘Dory’ the regal tang, the donation includes a pair of gilded triggerfish, a red-headed fairy wrasse, a hawkfish and a lipstick tang.

Blue Reef Aquarium’s Robert Gasson said: “We are often contacted by members of the public asking if we can re-home exotic fish and other ‘pets’ which have either outgrown their tanks or risk being made homeless for other reasons.

“We always try to help where we can, however we are not always able to step in as we also have to ensure we do not jeopardise the health and well-being of our own displays.

“This particular collection is one of the best we have come across and there are some truly impressive specimens.

“They have clearly been very well looked after and will definitely provide additional colour and interest to our tropical reef displays.

“The larger species have gone straight in to our main ocean display, while the others are settling in to one of our smaller coral reef tanks,” he added.

Gilded triggerfish get their name from their golden-coloured scales, while the lipstick tang is noted for its brightly-coloured mouth which looks like it’s wearing lipstick.

Hawkfish are often found ‘perching’ on the edge of the reef waiting to swoop down on their prey.

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