Forever Christmas

A flickering candle barely burns; darkness
covers loneliness. Can it glow as courage
comes and fear goes? Love gradually grows
brighter, fills the barren space. Hope,
healing, forgiveness now lights my spiritual
way. Warmth spreads to friends, strangers,
family. A year-round gift of peace, joy
requires no ribbon. C.1999 Marilyn Redmond

What is wrong with me? I always have good grades in school. My facade at work seemed to be working. I have a clean home. My bills are paid. Our family takes lovely trips even out of the country to places like Canada, the Bahamas, and Mexico.

It took a while to understand that when I am not honest, I do not connect with the real world. I researched paranoid schizophrenia when I heard that my mother was diagnosed with that label. I found that mentally ill people are not honest with themselves. Dr. Peck in his book, “People of the Lie”, said that the degree of dishonesty with self is the determination for each label of mental illness. I vowed to be as honest with myself as I possibly could.

Learning about cause and effect brought new understanding. I did not want to be mentally ill like my mother. Not realizing I was always reacting from fear was a surprise. When I react from fear, I am not rational; I will not get rational results. My negative thinking, behaviors, and actions created more misery and pain.

“You cannot be your own guide out of the problems that your blind spots have created. Only Your Creator can do this”, according to Ernest F. Pecci, M.D. Albert Einstein said, “Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them, you need a higher power”.

Maybe, a new positive basis for my life and actions would bring helpful outcomes. Becoming honest and seeing the good in life was necessary for becoming rational. Over time, my new foundation was fruitfully evolving. However, new problems would arise and I needed more tools to help me keep my focus on the solution. When I heard no one is where he is by accident and chance plays no part in the plan of the cosmos, I began to see I had to take the reins of my life.

I acquired a list of affirmations for self-love. I had never affirmed myself nor had anyone in my life. I started repeating them daily. I needed to find self-esteem. Affirmations gave me permission to acknowledge and praise myself verbally. Some of these affirmations are I approve of all my actions. I am confident in my ability. I give myself pleasure without guilt. I love my body and see only its good qualities. I give myself what I want and what I need. I let myself win. Affirmations became my daily major focal point. Over the years new affirmations surfaced that met my current needs to confirm my worth.

I found flower essences supported this change into inner loving energy. I particularly like two different companies. The Bach flower essences and Tree Frog Farm flower essences were especially helpful. I found that Bach essences were useful for changing basic emotions and the Tree Frog Farm ones supported spiritual growth. Together they work well for me.

This was the beginning of my new path and life style. I ingest the pure energy of the flower essences daily and tell myself the compatible affirmations to support the releasing of the old toxic, negative energy. The new higher energy replaces the old lower vibrations of energy. I share more answers, affirmations, and solutions in my books at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel. “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You” has the steps to enrich your life into love and grace, leaving the fear behind.

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