From AstraZeneca to Afghanistan

How can we believe in a government based on lies?  Are we to believe that the vaccine AstraZeneca is unstable because now the pundits are stating that another course of jabs are necessary as a winter boost but are disguising the real reason why?

Did Boris Johnson write the scripts for Professor Witty and the other experts to keep in line with the government statement that the vaccine AstraZeneca was a safe and efficient product?  Many cases have come to light that this vaccine may only be able to sustain a maximum of 65% even after two jabs and it has been known for persons who have received the qualified amount can still carry the Delta strain of Covid-19 to others, which is not good news.

Of course now that Afghanistan has hit the headlines, the government can hide behind their mistakes to try and achieve what the Labour Party started when they won the general election in 2001 under the leadership of Tony Blair which I personally term the Labour Party as the second front of the Conservative Party who took over in 2005 with their manifesto full of woe for the hard working citizen especially the pensioners who are robbed straight from their pockets to keep Members of Parliament in office.

Mind you, the millionaires and billionaires keep backing the CON Party because they don’t want to pay the stealth taxes that Boris has introduced for everybody else to pay and so keeping them in power is their safety net.

Afghanistan is “BLAIR’S MESS” and he should have taken the trouble to listen longer and harder to Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary before sending troops out to fight someone else’s war.  Whether it was right for the United States of America to get involved was their decision but Blair was determined that being left out of the fun behind his desk was too much to bear!  He didn’t think of the consequences of all the casualties of war plus the heartaches he has generated to those who are left behind to grieve their lost kin.  The troops that came back are scarred for life, some with limbs missing.

And now with the Taliban walking into Kabul – it rather seems pointless for twenty odd years of war and the useless slaughter of our troops on the whim of a British Prime Minister and I just wonder sometimes which side are these government persons on – us or the enemy and now keeping up with their decisions that the CON Party are so good at – leaving behind all those people who worked for the British in Afghanistan is just I suppose what you would expect from ego eccentrics who are supposed to rule in a fair and true manner – not a hope in hell!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so! – Swear words are not accepted.

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