Fun for Young Carers

A free Young Carers Fun Day will be held during half-term at St Paul’s Catholic College in Burgess Hill on Tuesday 29 October.  This event is for young carers aged 6-16 years living in the Burgess Hill area.

Young carers are children and young people who help look after a member of the family who has a long-term illness or disability, mental health problems or is misusing drugs or alcohol.  They may have direct caring responsibilities or they may be someone whose life is affected as a result of living with someone who has these conditions.

With so many adult responsibilities, young carers often miss out on opportunities that other children have to play and learn. The Fun Day will provide an opportunity for the young carers to have fun and try out a range of activities, including cake decorating, swimming and other sports, circus skills, crafts and much more.

Burgess Hill young carer, Phoebe Green, said: “Young carers has given me a chance to do lots of new things.”

Phoebe’s mother, Louise, said: “We are so grateful to the Young Carers Partnership. Our daughter Phoebe has taken part in wonderful activities and always has something to look forward to in the holidays alongside children with similar life experiences so she does not have to explain to the children how her life is different.  Phoebe always comes back from young carers events with a huge smile.”

A range of free events, including Fun Days and outings, are organised throughout the year by the Mid Sussex Young Carers Partnership, including Burgess Hill Youth, Burgess Hill Town Council, West Sussex Young Carers Team, Mid Sussex District Council and Crossroads Care South Central. Young volunteers from Outset Youth Action also help run the activities.

For information about future activities and to book your place contact Jennifer O’Grady on 01444 238207 or email



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