Is Gove to be the Governor to Govern?

It is mooted he is the one to lead us out of the EU shambles, but do we want somebody who likes to deal with underhand stabs in the back if other members of the government want to put themselves forward?  The attack on Boris Johnson was unforgiveable, but we do have to suffer little children behaving like children.  Though most children that I know behave like adults.  Gove does remind me of a caricature of a character of a past funny magazine under the title of “MAD”.


I see the French President Francois Hollande has put his oar in again.  It baffles me when other premieres seem to try and govern our country how easy it is for the French to forget about the liberation of France in two World Wars which was a fact and without our gallant efforts where would they be.  We are a small country but we do pack a punch worthy against any foreign government.  Keep the British Flag flying!


I suppose Brussels is a bit narked now that the withdrawal of a vast sum of money is not going into their pockets.  The Government try to tell us the benefits of giving another country our hard earned cash but as a Pensioner I haven’t seen any benefits that have increased my standard of living.  If there is a problem, bash the Pensioners, the Poor, they can afford it.  What the Government give in one hand they take away with the other hand.  No matter who gets in the outlandish promises they give to get the votes never materialise because of some poor excuse.


One of my resources alleged that our Government are corrupt. One would hope and pray that this is pure fiction.  There are so many accusations flying around by the present government, I cannot tell the difference to be completely honest.


Gove has promised to do something about the NHS – Pigs might fly Guv!


Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the person who got in actually did something to help the pensioners, the poor, the NHS, the Doctors and Nurses, the Transport situation and when the government give themselves a 20% pay rise, they should give the same percentage to all these other persons mentioned, after all they do all the hard graft.


It didn’t matter that Dave spent seven plus million on a leaflet informing us of the benefits of staying in Brussels and they pushed so hard on this that I was forming a suspicion in my own mind that our government had their paws in the gravy boat.


There is no point having the 73 MEP’s – money for jam!


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